Chapter 32: Another Secret!

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      Emily woke up to Aaron giving her breakfast in bed. Emily smiled as she looked at him. "What's this for?" Emily asked. "Just because I love you." Aaron replied. "You're making a great fiance." Emily replied and Aaron laughed. "I'm happy to hear that." Aaron told her. He leaned in and kissed her. Emily picked up the fork and started eating the eggs. "It's delicious." Emily told him. "Well, you'll need to hurry because we have a case." Aaron told her. "Okay." Emily agreed.
      Spencer just finished getting ready and walked downstairs. Maeve was eating breakfast at the table as she read a newspaper. "Hey, I think I found a couple houses." Maeve told him. "That's great!" Spencer exclaimed as he walked up to her. "One is a three bedroom house and one bath, another is a four bedroom house and two baths." Maeve informed him. "We'll talk about which one to get when I get back." Spencer told her. "Okay. Have a nice day." Maeve told him. "You too." Spencer agreed. They kissed and then Spencer left.
     Emily and Aaron were about to walk in when Aaron stopped her. "I don't think we should tell the team about the engagement yet." Aaron told her. "Why not?" Emily asked. "Because we agreed to not let our relationship effect our job. We'll tell them after the case." Aaron replied and Emily nodded. "You're right." Emily agreed. They walked in and saw everyone was working. "Round table room!" Aaaron called and everyone walked in there and sat around the table. "A bus full of kids and a few adults went missing. No one can find it and the parents are extremely worried." Penelope informed them. "How many kids?" David asked. "I'd say about twenty." Penelope replied. "Where were they heading?" JJ asked. "Back from a field trip." Penelope replied. "Who would want to stop a bus full of kids?" Derek asked. "That's what we have to find out." Aaron replied. "The kids are at the ages of 8 or 9, they're little kids and they're trapped." Penelope told them with sadness etching at her voice. "We'll save them." Aaron reassured her.
      The team walked into the station in San Francisco. Aaron walked up to the head sherriff. "Ah, you must be the profilers." The sheriff commented. "Yes." Aaron agreed. "I'm Sheriff Brackus. You can set up in my office." Sherriff Brackus told him. "Okay. Reid and Rossi, you guys go to the last known place that the bus was. Emily and Morgan will go to the school to calm the parents down. JJ and I will set up." Aaron explained. Everyone split up and did as told.
     Spencer and David parked the car on the side of the road. They got out and looked around. "Are you sure this is the last known place the bus was?" David asked. "Positive." Spencer replied. David noticed something and looked at the grass. They were wheel marks, like from a vehicle. A rather large one, at that. "I think the bus was forced off the road." David told Spencer. "There are liquid marks on the road and following to the grass, where the bus was." Spencer informed. "Was the vehicle tampered with?" David asked. "That's a possibility. There's a gas station just around the corner. They could have stopped for gas and restroom break." Spencer replied. "And our Unsub took the opportunity to take them." David concluded. "Well, we have a theory and some evidence. So that's a start." Spencer commented. "We'll go back to the station and tell Hotch what we found." David told him and they got into the car and drove.
      Emily and Derek walked into the school. Teachers were trying to calm the frantic parents. Emily and Derek tried to calm the yelling and running around. Derek sighed. "We can't help if they're acting like this." Derek commented. "Quiet!" Emily yelled at the top of her lungs. Everyone became instantly quiet and Derek looked at her. "Remind me to never make you mad." Derek told her and Emily laughed. "Everyone. I am SSA Emily Prentiss with the FBI, and this is SSA Derek Morgan. We're profilers, and we're working the case of the missing bus." Emily explained. "Do you know who took them?" One parent asked. "Not yet, ma'am. But we will find out, we always do." Derek replied. "Do you have have any clues?" Another parent asked. "We'll find out soon. A couple people from our team went to the crime scene." Derek replied. "Are we suppose to just wait here when are kids could be dead?" Another parent asked. "All you can do is have hope and be there for when your kids do come back and need you to be strong for them." Emily explained. "Everyone follow one of the teachers into the gymnasium until we have more information." Derek informed them and the huge group started walking away. "At least they've calm down, lets hope a riot diesbt break out." Emily commented. "Yeah. You know, I think you'll make a great mom." Derek told her. "What? What brought that up?" Emily asked. "The way you calmed them down and what you said about being there for their kids." Derek replied. "Oh." Emily commented. "Dont you want kids?" Derek asked and Emily smiled. "Maybe, and maybe it won't be as far away as I once thought." Emily replied and Derek laughed. "Look, I never though I'd see the day that Miss. Warrior turned into Miss. Lover." Derek commented. "Hey, I'm still a warrior. I'm just more open to love now." Emily told him. "And that's a good thing." Derek told her.
      Aaron and JJ were going through what they already know. "Wew dont have enough information." JJ commented. "Yeah, let's hope Reid and Rossi find something." Aaron agreed. "And we did." David commented as he walked in with Spencer following him. Aaron and JJ turn to face them. "What did you find?" Aaron asked. "There were tire tracks from the road to the grass." Spencer replied. "Like it was ran off the road." JJ commened. "It's more complicated then that." Davkd told them. "There was a liquid from the road to the grass as well, most likely coming from the bus." Spencer told them. "There was also a gas station just around the corner. Our theory is that someone did something to the bus when they stopped." David added. "Good theory." JJ commented. "Annd the evidence is leading that way." Aaron agreed as he thought about it. What now?" Spencer asked and Aaron sighed. "Go to the school, and JJ will go with you. JJ will stay there and so will David. Emily and Reid will go to the crime scene again and see if you can find anything else." Aaron replied and they all agreed.

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