Chapter 53: A Sunday Evening!

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     JJ and Will were in bed together with the covers on them and nothing else as they kissed. JJ pulled away and looked her husband in the eye. "Is something wrong, JJ?" Will asked and JJ shook her head with a smile. "No, everything is just right. I'm just really happy." JJ replied and Will smiled as well. "I'm happy too." Will agreed. They kissed a gun and JJ laughed. "What do you want to do for our anniversary coming up?" JJ asked. "I actually have a surprise for you on that." Will replied and JJ grinned. "What is it?" JJ asked and Will laughed. "It's a surprise, JJ. You'll find out soon enough." Will replied and JJ laughed. "I love you." JJ told him. "And I love you." Will agreed and they kissed again.
     JJ and Will were making their bed in the morning. It's Sunday and both of their sons were sleeping in. Will had explained everything that happened with Liam. "It's not the most ideal way to get back in touch, but maybe it's for the best. You guys can be like brothers." JJ told him. "We are brothers." Will told her and she sighed. "It's not about blood, Will. Me and my team are like a family, and it's not by blood. Being brothers is more then just blood, it's love and loyalty. JJ explained and Will nodded. "Perhaps you're right." Will agreed. "So, are you planning on trying to keep Liam in your life after you're done helping him?" JJ asked and he nodded. "But if he doesn't want to, then there's nothing I can do." Will replied and JJ nodded. "Fair enough." JJ agreed and they both smiled.
    Emily sat next to Aaron on the couch. "Could we talk?" Emily asked. Aaron nodded as he turned off the TV in front of him. "Of course." Aaron replied as he turned to face her. "How does Jack see me?" Emily asked. "What do you mean?" Aaron asked. "Dies he see me as his dads fiance? Or what?" Emily asked. "He see's you as a mom to him." Aaron replied and Emily gave a small smile. "Really?" Emily asked. "Yeah." Aaron replied. "Wow." Emily commented. Aaron sighed and out his hand on top of her's. "What's going on, Em?" Aaron asked and she sighed. "I wouldnt mind if Declan and Jack called me mom. But I don't know if Declan wants to and I don't want to replace Hayley." Emily replied. Aaron sighed and pulled her close. "Em, listen to me. Declan would love to call you mom, he probably just doesn't know if you want to. Then Jack knows all about his mom and loves her, but he loves you too. You're not replacing her, because there's room for both of you in his heart. He's okay with having another mom, or means he loves his birth mom any less." Aaron explained. "You sure?" Emily asked. "Positive." Aaron replied and Emily nodded. She laid her head on his chest and he held his hands on her back.
     Derek laid in bed as Savannah had her arm on his chest. Savannah looked up and met his eyes. "Ready for breakfast?" Savannah asked and Derek smiled. Sounds like a great day to start off our Sunday." Derek replied and Savannah grinned. "I'll start making it." Savannah told him as she stood up. She put on a robe and walked into the kitchen. Derek smiled as he watched her leave. He stood up and got dressed and followed her into the kitchen. "Do you have a work today?" Derek asked. "No. I told them not to call me in either, I want to spend the whole day with you." Savannah replied and Derek smiled. "Sounds like the perfect day." Derek commented. "And I'll make sure it is." Savannah agreed.
      David put Kai down for bed and walked out of his room. "Thanks, David." Shawn commented and David smiled. "No problem, Shawn. It was my pleasure." David told him and Shawn smiled. They walked downstairs as Joy walked in. "You're back." Shawn commented as he walked up to her and gave her a kiss." Joy agreed. "Hi, sweetie." David greeted as he hugged her and she hugged back. "Hi. Where's mom?" Joy asked. "The store." David replied. "And Kai?" Joy asked. "Just went down for a nap." Shawn replied. "Well, I have a surprise for everyone. But I'm going to wait until mom is here and Kai wakes up." Joy told them as she walked past. "Is it necessary to wait?" David asked. "Yes, dad." Joy replied. "Oh, Joy." Shawn commented and Joy laughed. "I said you'll wait, Shawn." Joy told him with a smile as she walked up the stairs. She walked into Kai's room and smiled at her baby boy. Then she went to her room and changed her clothes.
     Penelope walked into the house with Abbey in her stroller. "How was your morning stroll?" Kevin asked. "It was actually really nice." Penelope replied. Penelope took Abbey out of the stroller and out the stroller to the side as she rocked her to keep her asleep. She put Abbey in the playpen that sat in the living room. She sighed as she walked over to her husband. "So, we should have a couple of hours to ourselves." Penelope commented as she walked closer to him. "I like the sound of that." Kevin commented. Then Abbey started crying and they both sighed. "We aren't getting alone time, are we?" Penelope asked and Kevin laughed. "Nope." Kevin replied. Penelope laughed as Kevin walked over to the playpen and picked Abbey up.
     Spencer made lunch and put it on a playmte with a cup of milk as he walked up the stairs. He put them on the table next to Maeve's side of the bed as she smiled up at him. "Thanks, sweetie." Maeve commented. "It was nothing." Spencer told him. Turns out, Maeve didn't go into labor. It was just false labor, and she is just fine. But she is getting closer to the due date, and she could have the baby any day now. "It is to me." Maeve told him and he smiled. "How are you feeling?" Spencer asked. "I'm actually feeling pretty good." Maeve replied. "I'm glad to hear that." Spencer commented. He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. "I know we said we weren't going to change our relationship because of this baby. But I thought that we should at least talk." Maeve told her and Spencer nodded. "Of course, Maeve." Spencer agreed as he sat down next to her and held her hand in his.

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