Chapter 37: Dark Past Part 1!

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      Emily was going through old photos of when she was younger and Aaron walked in. "What are you doing?" Aaron asked. "Going through old photos." Emily replied and Aaron sat next to her and started looking with her. Aaron saw a picture with Emily smiling and saw a man in the background looking at her. "Who's that man?" Emily asked. "No one." Emily replied as she took the photo out and ripped it several times. "What was that about?" Aaron asked, shocked. "It's trash." Emily replied and Aaron nodded, still unsure. Emily closed the album and stood up. "I'm going to take a shower." Emily informed him and Aaron nodded. "Okay." Aaron agreed as she walked away. He grabbed the ripped pieces and found some tape as he tapped them back together. This man is more then a nobody, and Aaron would find out.
     David walked into Aaron's office and closed the door behind him. "Hi, Rossi." Aaron greeted. "Hi." David greeted. "What's up?" Aaron asked. "I came to check up on you." David replied and Aaron looked up at him. "Why? Do you think something's wrong with me?" Aaron asked. "You've just seemed on edge all day." David replied and Aaron sighed as he motioned for David to come closer, and he did. "Emily was looking at pictures last night and she acted all weird when I asked about a photo with a man." Aaron told him. "Is this a jealous thing?" David asked and Aaron sighed. "No. The man was behind her and just staring at her weirdly." Aaron replied. Aaron handed David the picture. "That is weird." Dsvid agreed as he handed the picture back to him. "Yeah, and I don't know what to do about it." Aaron told him. "Let it go." David suggested. "Let it go?" Aaron asked. "Yeah. She obviously doesn't want to talk about it." David replied. "But I just have a really bad feeling about this." Aaron told him. "Then confront her about it." David suggested. "You know how she is. She shuts herself down and pushes people away, I don't want her to do that to me again." Aaron told him and sighed. "Then you're out of options, other then letting it go." David told him and he sighed. "I'll figure it out." Aaron told him and David nodded. "Good luck." David commented and walked out.
       Aaron kept looking at the tapped picture. He needs to know who he is, and why Emily got all nervous about it. His instincts have never been wrong before, so he needs to trust them. But he also needs to trust Emily. He's torn between what to do. He saw Emiky walking towards him through the window and quickly hid the picture in one of his drawers as she walked in. "Hey." Emily greeted. "Hey." Aaron greeted as he stood up and walked up to her. "Reid and I are going out to get a snack for everyone. You wait anything?" Emily asked and Aaron shook his head. "I'm good, thanks." Aaron replied and Emily nodded. "Okay, be back soon." Emily told him and walked out as Aaron sat back down and sighed.
     Aaron walked into Penelope's office with the picture in hand. "Garcia." Aron agreed and Penelope turned in her chair to face him. "Yes, sir?" Penelope asked. "I need a favor, and you can't tell anyone about this." Aaron replied and Penelope nodded. "Sure." Penelope agreed and Aaron showed her the photo. "I need you to look up this man in the background." Aaron told her. "Okay. What's this about?" Penelope asked. "Right now, just a hunch. I'll explain later." Aaron replied and Penelope nodded. "I'm on it." Pebelope told him and he nodded. "Good." Aaron commented and he walked out of her office.
       David walked up to Aaron. "I just saw you leaving Garcia's office." David commented and Aaron nodded as he kept walking with David following him. "I did." Aaron told him. "Did you ask her to look up that man?" David asked as they walked up the stairs. "Yes." Aaron replied and David sighed as they stopped in front of Aaron's office. "Hotch, do you really think that was a good idea?" David asked and Aaron sighed. "I don't know yet. But if I learned anything, it's to always trust my instinct." Aaron replied. "But if I learned anything it's to never go against Prentiss." David told him and Aaron sighed. "I did what I had to do." Aaron told him and walked into his office as David sighed.
      Emily walked into Penelope's office with a candy bar and a soda that she had asked for. Penelope accepted it with a smile, forgetting about the photo on her desk. Emily looked past her and frowned when she saw the photo. "What's this?" Emily asked as she walked past Penelope and picked it up. "That's nothing." Penelope replied replied nervously. Emily turned to face Penelope as she hold the tapped picture in the air. "How did you get this?" Emily asked. "I was told not to tell you. Or anyone, for that matter." Penelope replied. "How did you get this?" Emily asked again and Penelope sighed. "Hotch gave it to me." Penelope replied. Emily was angry as she stormed out of her office.
    Emily stormed into Aaron's office and threw the tapped picture on his desk. Aaron looked up at her, shocked. "Why was Garcia looking up something with this photo?" Emily asked. "It's complicated." Aaron replied. "The only reason she would even know about it is if you gave it to her." Emily told him and he sighed. "I just wanted answers." Aaron told her. "Then you ask me yourself! You do not go behind .y back!" Emily exclaimed and Aaron stood up. "I wouldn't have gotten anything out of you and you know that!" Aaron exclaimed. "It's not important." Emily told him. "Don't lie to me." Aaron warned her. "Fine, it is something but it's not your concern." Emily told him. "If it's bothering you then it is." Aaron told her. Emily had tears in her eyes. "If you were afraid I had doubts before.... Then you can believe I do now." Emily told him and then stormed out. Aaron sat down and put his head down as he sighed.
     Emily was pacing around the living room with tears running down her face. Aaron walked in and Emily sighed as she backed away. "Stay away from me!" Emily exclaimed. "I just want you to talk to me for once." Aaron told her. "I told you I had a dark past." Emily told him. "Is this part of it?" Aaron asked. "Yes." Emily replied. "Maybe you'll feel better if you talk about it." Aaron suggested and Emily shook her head. "No. I'm better off just keeping it in my darkest spot of my brain, but your forcing it to come out and I'm not ready for that." Emily told him. "I don't understand." Aaron told her. "They told me that I was wrong. My mom tried to make think I was crazy because the truth was too hard for her, and still is." Emily told him. "You're not making any sense." Aaron told her. "No one has ever believed me, or will ever believe me." Emily told him. He tried walking to her, but she just backed away and he sighed. "I will believe you. Just talk to me." Aaron told her and Emily sniffled. There was a moment of silence. "That man in the picture works with my mom, and they have been friends for many years.... He's also the man that rapped me when I was 13." Emily told him and he gasped.

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