Chapter 27: Poison!

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       JJ sat in the waiting room of the hospital. She was really worried about Emily, and had no idea what was wrong with her. The doctors aren't telling her anything, but they are all acting frantic, and there are more doctors in her room then there should be. They closed the door and shut the blinds, so she can't peek in and watch. She told the whole team, so they should be there soon. Aaron didn't answer, so she left him a voicemail. The team finally got there and ran over to JJ, all except Aaron. JJ wiped her tears and stood up. "What's going on?" Penelope asked in tears. "I don't know. They won't tell me anything, but it doesn't look good." JJ replied as tears started to form again. "Is she okay?" Spencer asked and JJ sighed. "I don't know. I don't know anything." JJ replied. David walked up and hugged her as Derek hugged Penelope and Spencer. They pulled away and JJ wiped her tears. The doctors came over to them and the team stood there as they felt anxious. "What happened to her shoulder?" The doctor asked. "She was shot." Derek replied and the doctor sighed. "I was afraid of that." Derek commented. "Why? What's going on?" David asked. "The bullet that pierced her was dipped in a slow and lethal poison." The doctor replied and they all gasped. "What?" Penelope asked. "I'm afraid so. The poison is slow and painful. Side effects include, dizziness, sickness, lack of hunger, random black outs, passing out, and eventually death." The doctor replied. "But she let it stay too long without saying anything." Another doctor added. "What does that mean?" Derek asked. "That she's running out of time." The second doctor replied. "How long does she have?" Spencer asked. There was a silence piercing the air. "24 hours." The first doctor replied and they all gasped.
      Aaron couldn't stop thinking about Emily. He thought about calling and seeing how she is. He wants to fix this, but Emily doesn't. There's nothing he can do at this point in their relationship. But he misses her more then anything. He just wants to tell her he loves her and wants to hold her in his arms again. He went into his room and picked up his phone. He saw he had a voicemail from JJ, and he played it. "Hotch, it's Emily. She's in the hospital and I don't know what's wrong with her." JJ's voice told him. He couldn't believe it. Emiky could be hurt. The fight doesn't matter anymore. Or the breakup or differences. He still loves her and has to make sure she's okay. He dropped his phone and ran out.
    Aaron ran into the hospital and to the others. "What happened?" Aaron asked. "Emily was poisoned." David replied. Aaron starred at them as he felt his heart stopped. "No." Aaron commented. "It's true." JJ told him as she stood up. "How?" Aaron asked. "When she was shot, the bullet was dipped into poison." Derek replied. "How do we help her?" Aaron asked. He could barely feel his heart beating. "The antidote isn't in the hospital, and she only has 24 hours left to live." Derek replied. Penelope and Spencer couldn't even speak. "We were about to go to your and get you and then leave to find it." David told him. "May I see her?" Aaron asked. "Yeah, she's in the room right around the corner." JJ replied.
       Aaron walked into the room and looked at Emily. She looked like she was sleeping peacefully, but he knew she wasn't. That's why she's been sick and acting funny. It wasn't because of their breakup, at least that's not the only reason. He sat by her bed and starred at her. He took her hand in hers and kissed it as he felt a few tears go down his cheeks. "Emily, I know we've been fighting a lot lately.... But I still love you. I can't lose you, so if you can hear me I want you to fight this. I can't imagine my life without you. I love you and I don't want to lose you. You're the strongest person I know, if anyone can do this it's you. It isn't your time yet, I know it's not. You've fought death before and won, do it again. For the team, for Jack.... For me. The team needs you.... I need you." Aaron explained. He let go of her hand as he stood up. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. Then he walked out and to the team as tears stained his cheek. "I'm ready. Let's go save Emily." Aaron told them.
       The team have been driving in the van for the past couple of hours, and it's been awkwardly silent. "How far to find this rare antidote, Deferoxamine Mesylate?" Aaron asked. "Turn right in ten minutes." JJ replied from the passengers side. "How long does she have?" Penelope asked and they all sighed. 10 hours." David replied. "We'll save her." Aaron reassured them. He wouldn't take his eyes off of the road, he didn't want to miss where he's heading. Aaron turned and drove a little bit further, and then he stopped. There was a forest right in front of him, and no more road. "Did we miss something?" Aaron asked. "No, it's somewhere in th ed re. We'll have to walk the rest of the way." JJ replied. They all got out and started walking in the forest.
     Spencer had memorized the book on the antidote they were looking for. Since they don't of the book with them, he's the one that will identify it. They kept walking further and further, until their feets hurt and they were sure time was almost up. "We've been searching forever and still can't find it!" Derek exclaimed in annoyance and hint of nervousness. Spencer looked up and saw something on the tree above him. He reached up and grabbed it as he examined. The team didn't notice that he stopped, so they kept walking as they looked for the antidote. Spencer's eyes grew when he realized that what he was holding was in fact, the Deferoxamine Mesylate. It was identical to the one in the picture. "Guys!" Spencer called. They all stopped at the distant sound of Spencer's voice. They saw he was several feet away and ran over to where he stood. "Why did you stop?" David asked. "I found it. The Deferoxamine Mesylate." Spencer replied. Aaron took it and examined it. "Are you sure?" Penelope asked. "Positive." Spencer replied. "Let's get back to Emily." Aaron told them as they all ran back to their van and drove away.
    Aaron parked the car and they all ran into the hospital and to Emily's room. A doctor was in there with her. Emily was sweating really badly and her heart has slowed down to a near stop. "How do we give her the antidote?" JJ asked. Aaron hated seeing Emily this way, but he couldn't look away. This was the first time he had ever seen her look so weak. "There is this juice in the center. You need to pour it in her wound, where the poison originated." The doctor replied. Aaron held Emily up and slightly turned her to look at her wound. He poured the juice in and then laid Emily back down. They want her anxiously, but she didn't even stir. "It might already be too late." The doctor told them. Aaron took hold of Emily's hand. "You said 24 hours, we still have time!" JJ exclaimed. "That was only an estimate. I couldn't calculate the time, because I didn't know when she got shot." The doctor told her. Aaron starred at Emily, hoping for the best. "She can't be dead." Penelope commented in tears. Aaron noticed something. Emily had some more color in her. Before she had become extremely pale, but now her color has returned. He smiled when he felt her hand move in his. Emily's eyes slowly opened and met Aaron's. "Aaron?" Emily asked and everyone sighed in relief and smiled.

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