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Social media has become a portal for people to relay thoughts and opinions. For the most part, it's conducive but some times it's borderline destructive.

Let me ask you a question.

Have you ever imagined how peaceful the world will be if only people know when to voice out these thoughts/opinions (unsolicited at that) towards one's own? What happened to 'to each his own'?

I'm not saying, not even asking people to keep mum when there are misleading statements towards a known fact. As I've said and I'll say it once again that social media is most times conducive. It paved way for voices to be heard and stories that needed to be told. But sometimes it gets a little too noisy.

Noisy like how one's sleep got disturbed at 6 in the morning because the construction started early next door. Or, how the crowded cafeteria sounds during breaks. Everyone is almost shouting just to be heard while some are already yelling angry tunes. That kind of noise. And it's also the kind that is deafening and annoying! Don't you think so too?

Why is that? Why has this great portal became such a huge mess?

One thing I've noticed is that some people wanted to be heard by others, whom they expect should agree with anything they say. And then, there are these people who are always quick to react , even aggressively sometimes, to opinions they don't agree upon that they forget to use their brains, more so, their manners while doing so. (That's not how opinions work, people!!)

That's why.

I wonder if it ever occur to people that silence is better than pointless arguments. If it's a menial thing AND does not concern people directly at all OR, moreover, have no knowledge about, then at least just let it quietly pass. It won't hurt to keep quiet and carry on! Promise!

But, if one is to react then kindly do so with class. Engage in a friendly banter wherein one can learn something valuable too. Also, keep in mind that one is against another's statement/opinion and not the person itself. So, challenge the statement not the person because this is where it becomes destructive. Think twice before one comments but think a thousand times before one attacks someone personally. One cruel word can destroy another's disposition. (I am not going to elaborate on that because that's going to be a whole new rant/discussion.)

I guess the whole point of this post is that I want this to serve as a reminder to everyone. Use social media positively. Promote peace. If we can't have world peace just yet then at least let's have it in the social network realm. (lol) And always always remember, kind hearts are the peaceful ones.

"We don't have to agree on anything to be kind to one another" -anonymous
"I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace" - Helen Keller

Loving BestfriendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon