Chapter 1

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I've known Niall my whole life , we lived in the same street, we spent all of our time with each other, he was my best friend and I was his, nothing could ever brake us and never will.

I've been sitting on my bed waiting for a phone call from Niall to say that he's back home off holiday but I've had nothing. He should of landed 20 minutes ago and I haven't heard anything from him. He promised me that he would call me when he's landed. I hate planes, I hate going on them, you never know what's going to happen, with all of these planes that are crashing or there is a problem while they are in the air you never know what's going to happen.

I hear the front door open and I jump of my bed and down the stairs.
"Mom!!" I scream, she must know if Niall has landed yet or not.
"Olivia? Is everything okay?"
"Yes, no. I don't know" she raises an eyebrow and a little dent appears in between.
"What's wrong honey?"
"Niall hasn't called me and he should of landed 20 minutes ago, he promised to call me" I say the last part as almost a whisper as I try to keep my tears at bay.
My mom wraps her arms around me and tries to comfort me.
"I'm sure he's okay honey, maybe his phone has run out of battery"
"I guess so"

I don't see my mom as much as I would like, she leaves for work around 7 am so she can take my younger brother and sister to school. She then gets back home around 8pm but some days she can get back for 4pm like she has today.

My younger brother and sister are twins. They are now 15 years Old and a lot to handle. Some days I have to drive go school to get them to bring them home because they can't be bothered to walk, some days Bella brings home her boyfriend Jax, sometimes Ethan brings home his girlfriend Ellie. I have to be honest I get jealous because I have no boyfriend, but I can't complain because I'm 21 so I can go anywhere I want to. Soon Bella and Ethan will be 16 and will be starting their future, getting jobs, and being able to go where they want to go.
I still live with my mom. I help the best that I can around the house. My mom is an only parent, my father died 4 years ago which tore our family in half. I would stay up late making sure my mom was okay and when she went to bed I would stop in her room. She asked me to stop on her room every night for 6 months because she hated sleeping alone.

Niall comes round our house most the time, and I go to his. We have sleepovers every weekend. One weekend at mine and the others at his and that's what we have been doing since we were 3.

Me and my mom are the only people in the house at the moment because Ethan and Bella have both gone out with their friends.
"Would you like a cup of tea mom?"
"Please dear, 1 sugar"
I filled the kettle with water and flipped the switch to boil. I got her favourite mug from the cupboard and put the tea bag and sugar.

I was about to pour the water into the mug when there was a knock at the front door. "I'll get it" I shouted as I ran passed my mom who was sitting on the sofa. I opened the door and there stood Niall.
I flung my arms around his waist as he pulled me closer into his body, the tears that I was keeping at bay started to fall and stain my cheeks.
"Hey toots" his voice If filled with emotion.
"Hey Niall" I say through my tears
"I missed you"
I hugged him tighter and pulled him into me the most I could.
"Your going to crush my bones liv" he jokes.
I brake the hug as he lifts his hands up to cup my cheeks, his thumb wipes away the tears that had fallen and kissed my cheeks. I lent my forehead on his as the tips of our noses brushed.

Me and Niall have never dated but I have some feelings towards him but I if I tell him it's going to ruin our friendship.
"Well are you two love birds going to stand on the drive all day or are you coming in?" My mom says from the door. The words that fell from her lips made Niall chuckle and I felt my cheeks start to heat up.

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