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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 2- The Thing You Love Most

Bellamy was sitting in a booth at Granny's, filling out some paperwork from one of his cases which involves the town drunk vandalizing someone's property

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Bellamy was sitting in a booth at Granny's, filling out some paperwork from one of his cases which involves the town drunk vandalizing someone's property.

He had the tip of his pen pressed against his bottom lip as he read over the files, glancing up to see the waitress, Ruby, move behind the counter as he smiled flirtatiously once she looked over at him.

Ruby smiled and began to wipe down the counter with a dishrag, Bellamy going back to looking over his files.

Henry walked into the diner and noticed Bellamy, immediately moving over to the man and sitting across from him. "What're you working on?" The boy curiously asked.

Bellamy looked up, removing the tip of the pen away from his mouth and answered, "Just signing this report that involved Leroy. Aren't you supposed to be in school, Kid?"

"I just came by to get me a cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon," Henry shrugged just as Ruby walked over to them and handed the ten year old his usual hot beverage. "Thanks, Ruby."

Ruby smiled at him as Bellamy said to her, "Hey." The waitress looked over at the man, hid a blush forming on her cheeks, and replied to him, "Hi."

Bellamy glanced over at Henry who watched the two in amusement as Ruby moved back behind the counter. Henry pulled out his storybook and flipped to some pages, saying, "You two are best friends, and you seen her as a little sister. Dean and Red are each other's support. Really, you're meant to be with my mom, but that never actually happened in the story..."

"Kid, I don't- I don't know what you're talking about," Bellamy chuckled and closed his case folder, folding his hands across it.

"Sure, you don't," Henry smirked and then turned after hearing his biological mother tell Graham, "Look, the cocoa was a nice gesture, and I am impressed that you guessed that I like cinnamon on my chocolate, 'cause most people don't, but I am not here to flirt, so thank you, but no, thank you."

"I didn't send it," Graham replied.

"I did," Henry spoke up, standing up out of the booth, "I like cinnamon, too."

"Don't you have school?" Emma inquired curiously.

"Duh, I'm ten." Henry remarked as Bellamy laughed some, "Walk me."

"Good seeing you again, Bellamy," Emma said, noticing the man sitting in the booth that Henry was just sitting in.

"Yeah, you too," The man smiled, "Later, Kid."

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