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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 14- Dreamy

"Uh, excuse me, Leroy," Mr

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"Uh, excuse me, Leroy," Mr. Clark reluctantly began towards the said town drunk, "Do you mind scooting over a seat so Walter and I could sit together?"

A scowl found its way onto Leroy's face as he looked over at the two men now next to him, saying, "If I wanted to sit there, I would've sat there. You want this seat? Try dragging your sorry asses out of bed a little earlier."

"You're a little ray of sunshine as-" Mr. Clark began until he accidentally sneezed in Leroy's direction, making the said grumpy man's face twist in disgust.

Leroy threw his toast down on his plate and stood up from his seat, saying, "Congrats. Just lost my appetite. Seat's all yours."

In the corner booth, Bellamy sat across from Emma. He held his cup of coffee in his hands, lost in thought, while Emma was reading a book.

Dean arrived on the familiar doorstep of his family's cottage and took a deep breath before knocking on the front door.

Ruth opened the door and saw her firstborn standing before her and immediately gave him a loving smile, relieved that he was okay.

"Oh, my boy," She let out as she pulled him into a tight, motherly hug. "Where's David? Is everything all right?"

Dean's jaw flexed some while the elderly woman now held him at arm's length as she asked in concern, "Dean, what happened?"

"I just... It's a long story, but David's fine. He's okay." Dean finally spoke up, "I-I came to say goodbye, Mother."

Ruth gave him a stern look, saying, "Dean, what is going on?" She moved a reassuring hand over his chest.

"I'm going to Hell in a year." Dean explained hesitantly, "David had died at the hands of George's knights, so I made a deal with a demon. Now, my brother's alive and well again."

Ruth's eyes watered as she let out, "So you- You made a deal... for your brother? Don't get me wrong, I'm relieved that he's all right..."

Dean sighed, "At least this way, something good could come out of it, you know? It's like my life could mean something."

"What? And it didn't before!?" Ruth questioned her oldest son, "Have you got that low of an opinion of yourself? Are you that screwed in the head, son!?" She held onto the front of his shirt tightly as tears dropped onto her cheeks in sadness for her firstborn.

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