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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 21- An Apple Red as Blood

Bellamy felt Regina quickly sit up in the bed, her breathing somewhat fast

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Bellamy felt Regina quickly sit up in the bed, her breathing somewhat fast. He sat up with her and moved an assuring arm around her lower back. "You okay, Reg?"

Regina looked over at the said man next to her before she climbed over him and out of bed; She was wearing one of his flannels as it draped on her thighs.

Regina lightly stepped over to her son's room and peeked inside to find a lumpy blanket as she sighed, feeling better as she thought Henry was sound asleep and home.

"Want to talk about it?" She heard from her own bedroom's doorway and noticed Bellamy leaning against the doorframe.

"Just a bad dream..." Regina began while Bellamy moved over to her and took her into his arms, kissing the top of her head.

"It's okay, my lovely queen," Bellamy murmured, "You have Henry and me."

Regina sighed, "But I don't have Henry. He hates me. And Emma is trying to take my son away from me."

Bellamy picked up the raven haired woman bridal style and carried her to the bedroom, saying, "No. Henry has two mothers now. You two just have to find that balance between each other. But he loves you. He does."

He placed her back on the bed and now held her face in his hands, adding, "Show Henry you're not the Evil Queen anymore. He just wants to feel like he's heard and understood."

Regina moved her hands over his wrists and told him, "You're right... If the curse ever does break, will you still be there for me?"

"Always, Reg," Bellamy assured, laying back down and pulling her into his arms as she rested her head against his chest and had her arm lazily draped over his waist. "I'm not leaving you."

"If we're going to get him out, we're going to have to get over that wall," Snow began to explain the plan, glancing over at King George's castle through a telescope and added, "There's a soldier on every parapet."

Granny stepped forward, saying, "We're going to need some air support."

"Air?" Grumpy asked, stepping in opposite of Granny as the rest of the dwarves behind him. "I know just the person who can help us, someone who owes me a favor."

Suddenly, the group then heard rustling from the nearby bushes, and all turned and armed their weapons at that direction.

Dean and Red appeared as the werewolf spoke up, "Don't shoot. It's only us."

"Uh, Red, you got something on your chin," Grumpy said, pointing to his own chin as a gesture.

"Sorry," The brunette murmured, now wiping the blood off her chin while giving the knight next to her a look as Dean simply shrugged.

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