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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 11- Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

"But- But I can come with you-" A young ten year old David pleaded as he looked up at his fifteen year old brother with puppy dog blue eyes

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"But- But I can come with you-" A young ten year old David pleaded as he looked up at his fifteen year old brother with puppy dog blue eyes.

Dean simply shook his head and moved his bow around his shoulders along with the quiver of arrows before sliding his sword in the hilt strapped to his hip. "No, Davey, you can't. It's not safe."

The said ten year old pouted and folded his small arms across his chest, letting out, "But Mom said you-"

Dean sighed and cut him off while placing a reassuring hand over his shoulder, "-had to protect you, keep you safe. I know. And you coming with me, that's not safe. I'll be back soon. I promise."

David quickly found himself in a hug, his small arms wrapped around his brother's waist and face buried in his ribs. "Be careful-"

Bellamy groaned while lifting his head off of his pillow to hear his alarm go off. He sat up, running his hands through his hedgehog hair and blinked some, the dream still fresh in his mind as he sighed.

A knock on the door sounded and then was unlocked by the person with them stepping inside, two coffees in their hands. "It's just me. Brought you coffee, Bell."

Bellamy glanced over at David and gladly took one cup from him and took the first sip of the warm beverage. "Thanks."

David smiled and sat down in the chair across from his bed, saying, "So, what's on your agenda today?"

Bellamy lifted a curious eyebrow at him before answering with another question, "What's on your agenda today?"

David chuckled quietly yet rolled his eyes before he admitted, "A date with Mary Margaret..."

Bellamy held up a hand to stop him from continuing that statement as he then finished his whole cup of coffee. "Okay, go."

David sighed, saying, "I have feelings for both of these women-- one from my memories and the other from, well, now... I don't know what to do. I like them both, and I know it's wrong to lead them both on like this..."

Bellamy nodded and stood up, fixing to head over to the bathroom, as he commented, "What does your heart say, Davey? Following your heart never seems to go wrong. Which one of them can you see a future, a life, with?"

David thought about it for a second before letting out, "I guess I need to think about that for a little while before answering that. Thanks, Bell."

Bellamy shrugged and then closed the bathroom door behind him and turned on the shower before stripping his clothes off and stepping in.


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