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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 46- Lost Girl

Dean had to admit that the island was quite different than he last remembered a lifetime ago

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Dean had to admit that the island was quite different than he last remembered a lifetime ago. Everything was grown out, and what was once a forest was now a dense jungle.

The said knight cut down some plants in their way in order to make a suitable path.

"The ridge is just a few hundred paces up ahead." Hook spoke up behind him.

Emma inquired curiously behind the group next to Clary, "You really think we're gonna be able to see Pan's hideout?"

Dean commented, "From there, we should be able to see everything. Including where he's keeping Henry."

Regina stepped up to her fiancé and remarked, "You know, I could've just poofed us up here in an instant."

Hook glanced over at her, saying, "Where? Have you any idea what's up here? Or anywhere? But we do." He gestured between him and the knight next to him.

"He's right. You don't know the sort of dangers this island holds. But we can guide you, my lovely queen." Dean added, taking her hand into his.

"They're right. Hook and Dean has been here before. If they say hiking is the best way, then we listen." Emma agreed.

That's exactly what they did for a little while longer. The path seemed to clear a bit as they continued forward.

Dean instantly pulled his little brother away from a bush of thorns, "Davey. Watch out."

"I think I can handle some thorns," David then deadpanned.

"It's not the thorns, Dave," Dean shook his head and corrected him, pointing at the black poison dripping off of the thorns onto the ground, "Dreamshade. Arguably one of the more dangerous poisons... in its natural form, death would be far slower and more painful than most tend to prefer."

Hook nodded in agreement and motioned to their right, adding, "He's right. I suggest we go this way."

David ignored him, "We'll go this way." He continued forward, only missing the bush.

Dean shook his head, unamused, and cut down the plant without getting nicked by it or making someone else getting pricked.

Little brothers. The said knight found himself thinking as he followed after David.

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