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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 53- Save Henry

Dean gasped out in agony and was lifted in the air, the Shadow holding him up by having its hand through the knight's chest and gripping his heart

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Dean gasped out in agony and was lifted in the air, the Shadow holding him up by having its hand through the knight's chest and gripping his heart.

"Dean!" "Dad!" His family below them shouted out, alarmed and in fear of what was happening now.

The Shadow froze his family in place with magic suddenly, making them unable to do anything to stop him.

The said knight grunted and gasped out, "What do you want? It's over."

"Not yet." The Shadow remarked in an eerie-like tone, now squeezing his heart some more which made him gasp out once more. "If we can't have the boy's heart, then yours will do."

Dean struggled in the creature's grasp, letting out, "He's gone. Trapped. Pan failed."

The knight then moved a lighter out of his pocket, opening the lid and lighting it up; He lifted his hand holding the now lit flame and moved it through the Shadow.

The said creature then screeched in pain and released him as he fell to the floor in a hard roll.

His family was released momentarily as they all rushed over to Dean, Regina and David the first ones to him. "Dean!"

The said man coughed and stood back up, glancing up at the Shadow as it recovered from the attack swiftly.

"Get behind me." Dean stepped in front of his family protectively and withdrew his sword, twirling it once in his hand. "You want my heart? Try it. See what happens. Let's do this."

The Shadow screeched again and quickly flew down towards him just as Dean moved his sword threw a flame from one of the torches on the wall, heating it up, and then moved the blade across the creature who yelled out in agony again and flew back upwards.

Dean did the same action again until the leading shadow called in seven other shadows from somewhere while the leader suddenly grabbed a hold of David as the other shadows did the same to his family.

They screamed out in pain as Dean watched each of his family struggle in a shadow's grip, their own hearts being tugged on.

The said knight dropped his sword as the leading shadow looked over his way at the gesture.

"Let them go. And take me." Dean sighed, his hands lifted in surrender.

"No! Dean, don't do it!" Emma yelled as she groaned in pain as a shadow yanked on her own heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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