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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 4- The Price of Gold

Bellamy stepped out of his Chevy Impala and walked up the pavement and stopped on the porch of the Mills' house, knocking on the door three times

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Bellamy stepped out of his Chevy Impala and walked up the pavement and stopped on the porch of the Mills' house, knocking on the door three times.

Henry moved over to the door and opened it, grinning up at the man in front of him, Bellamy saying, "Hey, Kid."

"Come in. She's about to leave, and then we can go wherever," Henry commented and stepped aside to let the man walk inside of the home.

Regina glanced over at the two from where she stood in front of the mirror, fixing her makeup. "Good morning, Bellamy. Thank you for volunteering to keep Henry today."

"It's not a problem. He's a good kid." Bellamy shrugged, looking over at where Henry had sat down at the table, now reading a Hulk comic book.

"I know you think otherwise, but I don't enjoy these Saturday city council meetings. Sometimes, they're just unavoidable," Regina added to what she was saying to her son before Bellamy had arrived. "Now... you know the rules?"

Henry looked up at his mother and nodded, saying, "Yes, on homework, no on TV, and mind Bellamy."

Regina smiled at him, "Good boy." Her smile then shifted into a frown as she thought about Emma before adding, "And you may leave the house but you must stay with Bellamy at all times."

"You mean don't see my mom," Henry clarified for her, which caused Bellamy to shake his head at him and start, "Henry."

Regina's attention briefly fell on the man now beside her before looking back at her son, saying, "She's not your mother. She's just a woman passing through. Now do as I say or there will be consequences. I'll be back at five sharp."

Bellamy nodded but looked back at the raven haired woman who placed a soft hand over his bicep, adding, "Take care of him while I'm not here."

"I always do." Bellamy assured, "You have my word, Regina."

She smiled and grabbed her purse and left out of the house while Henry eyed the door for a few seconds to make for sure his mother really did leave.

Bellamy clicked his tongue before settling in the chair next to Henry, speaking up, "So, Kid, what do you want to do today?"

Henry thought about it for a second, really wanting to see his birth mother, but alone this time.

Bellamy noticed the boy's face lit up as he looked over at the man and began with a grin, "Hey, Bell, would you like some apple pie? I helped make it last night."

Bellamy chuckled and nodded while he replied, "Sure, Kid, I'll take a slice."

"Cool." Henry commented and jumped up from his seat before rushing into the kitchen and opening the refrigerator to find the platter of apple pie.

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