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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 8- Desperate Souls

Bellamy finished packing his duffel bag along with a few camping supplies

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Bellamy finished packing his duffel bag along with a few camping supplies. Regina stopped at his open doorway to his room at Granny's Inn.

"Do you have to go on your trip now, Bell?" He raven haired woman curiously asked, now leaning against the doorframe as she watched him fold a shirt and place it inside of his bag.

"This isn't the first time. I go camping at least once a year, but with Graham passing and having these dreams more frequently... I think it's good to step away and think over some things..." Bellamy admitted, looking up at the woman and noticed her small sad look, "But, Reg, I'll be back. Sooner than later. I promise."

Regina sighed and moved over to the man and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him. "Okay. Just don't hurt yourself." She kissed him on the lips then.

Bellamy smiled and kissed her back, the two falling over on the bed.

Eleven year old Dean looked behind him from where he stood at the window and glanced over at his six year old brother, David, wrapping something up in some paper. "What is that?"

"A present for Dad," Six year old David innocently answered him as he looked up from what he was doing.

"Yeah, right." Dean remarked, "Where'd you get the money? Steal it?" He hopped over the arm of the couch and now sat on the cushion, still watching his brother.

"No, Mommy found it in a box of junk she was gonna throw out from the attic," David admitted.

"What is it?" Dean inquired curiously.

"It's supposed to be a good luck charm," David commented, "Least, that's what Mommy says." He showed him the paper wrapped gift in his hand and grinned.

Bellamy had received a call by Emma to stop by, so now, he walked up the stairs and knocked on the Blanchard apartment door. He could hear loud music blaring inside.

Emma stepped to the door and opened it, a broken toaster under one arm and a knife in the other hand. "Hey, Bellamy."

She moved back over to the counter and continued to break the toaster even more. He noticed a bottle of whiskey also sitting on top of the counter.

"What happened?" Bellamy inquired while shutting the music off just as Mary Margaret walked inside of the loft also.

"Toaster broken?" Mary Margaret questioned in confusion towards the blonde.

"Wasn't when I started with it. Pretty sure it is now-- just needed to hit something." Emma sighed.

Putting her groceries on the counter, Mary Margaret shared a look with Bellamy and asked, "What's going on?"

"Regina fired me so she could put one of her own puppets in as Sheriff." Emma admitted, "It's my job. Bell, you're good at fixing stuff. Can you repair this toaster?"

Bellamy nodded and took the toaster from the blonde and grabbed a knife and a screwdriver before sitting down at the counter and began working on repairing it.

"Never heard you so passionate about it before. What happened?" Mary Margaret asked her as she pulled out the food objects from the bag and began putting them away.

"I don't know..." Emma sighed, still wanting to break something else to let her anger out, "I just know I want it back."

"There must be a reason." Bellamy commented while finishing one side of the toaster already and starting on the other.

There was another knock on the door as Emma walked over to it and let out, "Maybe I just want to beat her."

Gold started to talk while Bellamy finished fixing the toaster and handed it over to Mary Margaret, saying, "There. It's as good as new."

"Thanks, Bellamy," Mary Margaret grinned and placed the said toaster back on the counter.

"Well, I'm gonna be on my camping trip, so I'll see you guys in maybe a week or sooner." Bellamy spoke up, heading over to the door as well, "Depends, really."

Emma quickly looked over at the man now beside her and looked like she wanted to say something else but soon changed her mind, instead saying, "Have fun, Bell. Thanks for fixing the toaster that I sort of broke."

Bellamy shrugged, "Not a problem. Later, ladies, Mr. Gold." With that said, he walked out of the loft and moved back down the stairs and then over to his car.

Dean was standing a foot away from the door while some men told his mother that Robert passed away from drinking.

He glanced over at his little brother who watched from the end of the wall, tears in his eyes. Dean sighed and stepped over to the younger boy who immediately hugged him, crying hard.

Six year old David sniffled and moved over to where he kept his gift and then handed it to his big brother. "Here."

"Davey, you keep it-" Dean started.

"Papa lied. I want you to have it." David let out, still holding the wrapped object towards him, "You're the one who's always been there."

Dean reluctantly took the present and quietly asked, "Are you sure?" David slowly nodded and then watched Dean unwrap it to reveal a golden amulet on a black cord as he now held it in the palm of his hand to look at it.

Dean then slid the necklace over his head and around his neck, glancing back at his brother. "Thank you, Dave. I love it."

David nodded and smiled a little while Dean glanced down at the necklace around his neck and smiled some also.

Bellamy carried his bag on one shoulder as he now walked down the hiking trail in the woods and didn't stop walking until he reached good enough spot to set up his camp.

After twenty minutes passed, he had finished putting his tent up and now gathered some wood for a fire.

His phone suddenly rang as he flipped it open and answered it, "Hey, Davey, what's up?"

"Two things: One, did you hear about the fire that was set up at the Mayor's office and Emma saving her and dragging her out?" David started on the other line, "And two, Emma won the election and now the Sheriff officially."

Bellamy's eyebrows rose at that set of news and then asked in concern, "How's Regina? She okay?"

David nodded on his end of the phone but realized that his brother couldn't see him nodding and then answered, "Yeah, she's okay... Where are you?"

"Camping." Bellamy admitted, adding, "Had to clear my head and all. I'm fine, Davey." He heard a beeping sound from his phone and glanced at the screen to see that he ran out of service.

He chuckled and pocketed his phone again and finished picking up firewood before heading back over to his campsite.

Once nighttime fell and he had the fire going, he sat down on a log and glanced down at the golden amulet around his neck in thought as he wondered how did he get this necklace and why did it feel so important to him.

He knows what the dreams of it revealed but those were just dreams... Right?

There was no way he could possibly be Dean, Prince Charming's big brother, and in love with the Evil Queen.

Or, at least, that's what he kept telling himself and wanted to believe.


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