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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 19- The Return

"We're so glad you didn't kill Mrs

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"We're so glad you didn't kill Mrs. Nolan," Bellamy read the big card in his hand and chuckled, "Sounds like you hang out with me too much, Henry."

The two of them were at Mary Margaret's apartment for the welcome home party, and Henry's classmates and himself had made a card for their teacher.

Henry simply looked up at the man and grinned, "That's good. I wanna be just like you... and too, we couldn't think of anything else."

Bellamy laughed along with August who sat beside the two, saying, "There she is. Why don't you give her your present?"

Bellamy turned around to see Emma and Mary Margaret approaching them, and the former handed Bellamy and August a drink while Henry reached for his gift.

The ten year old handed Mary Margaret the card first, saying, "Hey, I have something for you."

Mary Margaret accepted it and replied, "Well, thank you." She opened it and read the message aloud, "We're so glad you didn't kill Mrs. Nolan..."

Some of the other people at the party lightly laughed as Henry smiled sheepishly and added, "It's from the whole class." He held out his personal gift and shook it, "And I got you a bell."

"Thank you," Mary Margaret smiled, "Tell everyone I'll be back soon."

"Okay," Henry grinned.

Bellamy pauses and glanced over at the clock before turning to the said kid and spoke up, "Hey, Kid, we should go home before your mom finds out."

Emma agreed with the man and escorted the two to the door, opening it to find David waiting outside.

"Hey, Emma, Bell, Henry, leaving already?" David began.

Emma shared a glance behind her at Mary Margaret while Bellamy told his brother, "You know it. Got to get him home. He's got homework."

Emma added, "She's kind of tired. I think if you just gave it some time..."

"I just wanted to-" David started.

Bellamy cut his brother off, saying, "Hey, Davey, why don't you take a walk with us?"

Henry grinned and nodded at that idea, adding, "Come on, David! It'll be fun."

David glanced at Emma for a second who looked at him apologetically before he nodded and replied, "Okay, sure."


Bellamy, David, and Henry arrived at the Mills large house as Bellamy said goodbye to his adopted son, saying with a small smirk, "If your mom asks, just tell her you were with me. She'll love that idea."

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