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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 39- Welcome to Storybrooke

Chapter 39- Welcome to Storybrooke

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*Storybrooke- 1983*

The green and purple smoke suddenly and quickly blew through the wooded area, and over a little boy and his father as they looked from inside of their tent.

"Owen," The father gently pulled his son back into his arms and covered the tent's flap while the smoke continued to surround their campsite, "We're gonna be alright, kid."

The next morning following, when the father and son stepped out of their tent, they saw trees had fell everywhere nearby them.

And a rather large tree had evidently fell on top of their car.

The small child, Owen, spoke up curiously, "What kind of storm was that?"

"A big one," The father replied, honestly having no clue as to what kind of storm it was.

The grown man took out his map after they packed their backpacks up and had started to trek through the woods.

"The highway should be just over that ridge, and we'll get a ride to the nearest town-" The said man began, not yet glancing up from his map.


"That's what you get for camping in the boonies, I guess," The father continued to ramble on.

Owen stepped over to a thick, fallen tree and repeated himself, "Dad."

"What?" The father inquired and followed in the direction his son went.

"Look." The two of them now stared at the town below them and glanced at each other and back at the town.

About an hour later, the two of them was now walking through the town while the man said, "This is impossible. We drove here yesterday-- There was nothing here. It's like someone dropped a town right on top of us."

They were now staring up at the clock tower just as a 1967 black Chevy Impala pulled up and a green eyed sheriff stepped out of it.

They turned and looked at him as the said sheriff spoke up, "Need some help? You two look lost."

"Who are you? What is this place?" The dad questioned in confusion.

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