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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 24- We Are Both

Bellamy drove up in front of the Mills' house in his black Impala just as David immediately exited out of the car with his big brother following behind him, a worn top hat in hand

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Bellamy drove up in front of the Mills' house in his black Impala just as David immediately exited out of the car with his big brother following behind him, a worn top hat in hand.

"Remember, we're not harming her," Bellamy stopped him once the two reached the porch.

"I know, I know," David said and then pounded on the front door.

Regina opened the door and looked at them as David walked in and demanded, "Tell me about this." He nodded at the hat in his brother's hand.

"Surprised you don't have armed guards round the clock." Regina remarked towards the former shepherd/ prince, "Then again, you have Dean." 

"Don't need guards," David also remarked, "Then again, we both know if you step outside, there's a line a mile long for your head."

Regina shut the door behind her and glanced at Bellamy first and then at David, saying, "Who's going to risk coming at me?"

"Take your chances, then. And if you're betting on my brother to protect you from everyone, he won't. He's always on my side. I'm his brother." David replied.

"Davey." Bellamy started in a slight scolding tone with a small shake of his head.

"And too, if you did have your abilities back, this town would be charcoal by now." David added towards the former Evil Queen, "You're having problems with magic, aren't you? Right now, the only thing keeping you alive is that Henry wishes it."

Bellamy's jaw flexed some as he stopped his brother, "That's enough. I do care about her. Now, this." He held up the magical hat once more.

Regina smiled a little as she admitted, "It's the hat that pulled your loved ones away. And you already know where I got that from, Dean."

Bellamy nodded, saying, "That I do."

"You know what? Maybe you should be less concerned with hats, and more concerned with taking care of my son." Regina started.

David spoke up in defense of his brother, "Because you took such great care of him."

"Dave, she's made mistakes as a parent. Who doesn't?" Bellamy sighed, adding, "That doesn't mean that she doesn't love him because she does."

Regina is almost always surprised when Bellamy takes her side or sticks up for her.

She then added to David, "I will not listen to child care lectures from a man who put his daughter in a box and shipped her to Maine."

"Okay, listen. I need my family. There's magic here now. There have to be ways to follow them." David started desperately, "My brother's already dying, and I... I don't want to lose him or anyone else."

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