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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 47- Quite a Common Fairy

Dean walked beside Regina while Clary walked behind Emma next to Hook as the two read the map over the blonde's shoulder

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Dean walked beside Regina while Clary walked behind Emma next to Hook as the two read the map over the blonde's shoulder.

Regina began, a hand over her small baby bump, "How much further?"

"We should be getting close to Pan's lair," Emma admitted, reading the enchanted map, "Going in a straight line course... Son of a..." Clary noticed the red X on the map disappeared, "How is it now behind us?"

"How can that be?" Snow also questioned as Regina remarked, "You got us lost. I knew Dean should've led."

"No, she didn't." Dean defended his niece and her map tracking, "It's the camp. Pan's moving it."

David sighed and looked over at his brother, and said, "He's playing tricks on us."

Clary exchanged a look with Emma and spoke up, "If Pan's camp keeps moving, how are we gonna find Henry?"


Neal moved a stool over to a cabinet and stepped on it to look higher inside of it, trying to find something to help get him to Neverland.

"You found the crystal ball. What else are you looking for?" Mulan began in confusion.

"That showed me where Emma is, now I have to get to her." Neal explained as he continued to rummage through the cabinet.

"I'm not sure you're gonna find a horse in there, mate," Robin Hood spoke up, stepping over to them.

"I don't need a horse. I need a portal." Neal replied, "A way to create a portal."

They suddenly heard from behind them a blonde haired twenty-six year old man speak up, "Portals are hard to come by. Believe me. Since I came back, I've been trying to find a way back to my family."

They turned as Mulan smiled, letting out, "Jace... What're you doing here? How are you here?"

"I woke up buried six feet under, trees all around my burial site knocked down in a circle almost, with a sense of feeling like my father somehow saved me." Jace admitted, explaining how he was suddenly alive. "I don't know how. I just know I need to find my family."

Neal gave him a puzzled look, "Who's your family?"

"Clary Fairchild is my sister, Dean Nolan is my father," Jace commented.

Neal's eyebrows show up at that revelation and knew that once he found a way to Emma, he just had to take Jace to them now. "That's who I'm trying to return to myself. To Emma. I'm-We're- I'm Henry's dad."

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