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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.

Season TWO is now finished and completed, and now, we're officially in season THREE!!


Chapter 45- The Heart of the Truest Believer

Chapter 45- The Heart of the Truest Believer

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"Son of a bitch..." Dean's eyes shot open as he found himself being wheeled in the hospital on a gurney, letting out a sharp gasp.

He made the doctors and nurses stop wheeling him to a room as he sat up, moving a hand to where the sword wound had been.

But to everyone's surprise, there was none. It had been healed somehow.

Regina quickly hugged him tightly, kissing him repeatedly in relief as her eyes watered.

"Did you think I would die just like that, my lovely queen?" Dean murmured as he pressed his lips to her forehead, "It's gonna take a lot more to finish me off than them."

The couple kissed once more but more fervently this time just as David asked, "You okay?"

Dean glanced over at his little brother who watched him in worry, "I'm fine, Davey. Your brother's not going anywhere."

Dean stood up off the gurney yet held Regina's hand in his, "Let's go get our son back."

Both Regina and David questioned in confusion, "How?"

"By going after them." Dean shrugged and the three rushed back out of the hospital.

As they entered the truck, David also questioned, "How are you healed from that wound?"

Dean shrugged, "No clue. All right, let's gear up. It's wabbit season."


Hook steered the ship beside the docks where Emma, David, Dean, Regina, Clary, and Snow rushed over to them.

The said pirate stepped down the steps as Emma asked him, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Helping." Hook answered.

"You're too late." Clary pointed out to the pirate who inquired while retrieving the bean from his pocket, "Am I?"

"I thought you didn't care about anyone but yourself." Emma began towards him.

"Maybe I just needed reminded that I could." Hook said as he glanced over at the redhead a few feet away.

He handed Emma a black pouch as she emptied it into her palm and saw the magic bean.

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