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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 25- Lady of the Lake

Dean stood across from his brother in a tent as they was gathered around others making war plans

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Dean stood across from his brother in a tent as they was gathered around others making war plans.

"King George's men are here on this ridge," Dean started but was cut off by Red who ran inside of the tent, saying, "We have to move camp. They're coming for us."

David shook his head and replied, "No! We will not run! We said we were going to take the Kingdom back, and we can't do that with our tails between our legs."

Dean gave his brother a look and glanced over at Red who was also giving Charming a look.

The prince realized what he said and commented, "No offense."

"But matters have worsened. The king has a new general." Red informed them.

Dean looked over at her and inquired, "Who is he?"

"They call him the Leviathan. They say he attacks like a monster striking from the depths of the sea." Red answered, "You never see him coming, and you never survive."

"We'll see about that," David remarked, exchanging a look with his big brother.

Snow spoke up curiously, "How close is his army?"

Just then an arrow landed in the middle of their drawing maps as everyone jumped but Dean who shrugged, saying, "I'd say pretty close."

The four of them plus their men exited their tent to see George's men attacking theirs. "We should split up. Divide them." Snow commented.

"Exactly," David agreed and told some of his men, "Go, go! Dean, I need you to go with Snow."

"If I go with her, they'll know she's with me and follow. That's what we're trying to prevent, brother." Dean replied, "Besides, the King is after you and me."

"He's right," Snow agreed with the knight who nodded and faced the rest of the soldiers.

Dean then quickly sprinted to a nearby group of other knights as he spun his sword once in his hand.

Bellamy was helping pack up her stuff in boxes as the two stood in the mayor's office. She had been let go as mayor.

Regina sighed, placing some more paperwork inside of a box, while Bellamy noticed and immediately stepped over to her.

"It's gonna be alright, my lovely queen," Bellamy assured, moving his arms around her waist as she smiled some and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Trust me."

He then kissed her passionately on the lips as she kissed him back, both smiling mid-kiss.

Regina pulled back with her arms still wrapped around his neck, now gazing into his green eyes she adores so much. "I love you."

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