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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 17- Hat Trick

Emma walked inside of the station, not expecting to find Henry sitting in one of the chairs outside of the office area and in the hall

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Emma walked inside of the station, not expecting to find Henry sitting in one of the chairs outside of the office area and in the hall.

"Henry." Emma began, "What are you doing here? Where's Bellamy?"

The said man suddenly walked inside of the building from behind Gold, saying, "I had to go talk to my brother. I dropped the kid off here and was gone for ten minutes. I wouldn't have left him had I known you weren't here. Sorry."

Emma nodded in understanding and placed a light hand on Bellamy's chest to stop him, knowing it was a genuine, honest mistake.

Henry shocked both of them slightly by saying, "I came to congratulate you."

Emma dropped her hand and shared a confused look with Bellamy as both of them simultaneously asked the boy, "For what?"

"Your genius plan," Henry grinned.

Bellamy's eyebrows shot up, honestly not knowing what the ten year old was talking about. And Henry always told him everything, which mainly was about Operation Cobra nowadays, but still.

"And what plan's that, Henry?" Gold spoke up to which Henry looked at him in confusion and then looked down, not saying anything now.

Gold nodded in understanding and moved into the room where the cells were.

"Sorry, I thought Mr. Gold was in on it now that he's Ms. Blanchard's lawyer," Henry simply stated towards his birth mother and father figure.

Emma looked at him, still confused, and began, "In on what?"

"The escape plan," Henry admitted, causing both Bellamy's and Emma's faces to pale as the two shared a look.

The three of them heard Gold speak back up from in the room, "Sheriff, Detective, could you join me, please?"

Emma quickly walked into the room with Bellamy following behind her and Henry following him.

"Son of a bitch." Bellamy quietly grunted in slight pain and leaned against the desk behind him as the three noticed the empty cell.

Henry moved on the other side of Bellamy while Emma stood on his other side.

Mr. Gold stood a bit in front of them and commented, "She's gone."

"Henry, what did you do?" Emma questioned the said boy first as she headed over towards the wide open cell.

Henry immediately held up his hands, saying, "Nothing. She was gone when I got here."

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