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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 32- The Cricket Game

Dean stepped downstairs in the Blanchard apartment to find David sleeping in the bed next to his wife, Mary Margaret

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Dean stepped downstairs in the Blanchard apartment to find David sleeping in the bed next to his wife, Mary Margaret.

He glanced over at the couch to find that his daughter, Clary, had fell asleep on it.

He noticed her blanket was off of her, so he quietly walked over and placed the blanket over top of the redhead. Once covered, Dean gave a small smile before turning to the door.

The said knight opened the door and quietly left the home.

He glanced down at his phone screen to see the black and white picture of his daughter and himself smiling for the camera.

Dean fondly smiled at the photo and tucked his phone back in his pocket before entering in his Impala and now driving down the road.

He had to make sure his love was alright, especially after the day's events and all.

Once he pulled up to the former mayor's house, Dean walked up the steps and stopped on the porch, now knocking on the door.

Regina opened the door and immediately smiled up at the man, "Dean."

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay, especially after earlier today," The said knight started, immediately taking her into his arms.

"I am now that you're here," She murmured lightly as the two kissed and proceeded to move inside of the two story home.


"Son of a bitch."

Dean squinted his closed eyes and opened them to look around the unknown room, finding his wrists and ankles tied to the arms and legs of the chair he was in.

He felt a warm liquid drip down his forehead and knew there was a cut there and bleeding-- as well as blood under his nose.

The knight struggled in the restraints, not yet remembering what had happened. He remembered going to his love's home, but that was it.

Another thought then occurred to him, Regina. Did whoever take him, hurt her or worse?

"We've been keeping our eyes on you, Protector," An unknown male voice spoke up from behind the said tied up knight.

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