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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.

Not my video. Just so amazing. Credit to whoever made this video. It fits my Dean in this book, don't you think?


Chapter 15- Red-Handed

Bellamy sat next to David as both was seated across from Emma who placed two cups in front of them, one tea and the other coffee

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Bellamy sat next to David as both was seated across from Emma who placed two cups in front of them, one tea and the other coffee.

David took the cup of tea and glanced down at the beverage inside of the mug, speaking up first, "Thank you. I hope Kathryn's somewhere warm, not out in the cold."

Bellamy focused his gaze on his coffee, feeling the warmth of it in his hands, while Emma replied, "David, I think you need to start worrying about your brother a little bit more here."

Bellamy shrugged somewhat as Emma added towards the younger Nolan brother, "Your wife is missing. You are in love with another woman... And your brother just claimed to have been the last one to talk to her on this unexplained phone call."

"I know. I know. I just..." David stammered slightly, "I didn't do anything to my wife-- and Bell, he's just covering for me."

"No, I'm not," Bellamy simply remarked, not yet denying the accusation until he knows his brother is safe from all of this mess, "I did call her on your phone."

"I'm pretty good at spotting a liar. And honestly, liars have better material." Emma started first to David and glance over at Bellamy and began, "And I can't tell whether or not you're lying... which is weird because I can always tell when someone lies..."

Bellamy smirked fully, saying, "You have your superpower, and I have mine." He leaned closer, holding his wrists up to be cuffed. "You gonna arrest me or let us go, Em?"

Emma sighed somewhat sadly, "David can go home. I'll have to keep you here, however." She placed the handcuffs over Bellamy's wrists then. "I'm sorry."

David stood up from his seat and started with a shake of his head, "I'm staying here with him."

Bellamy sighed and replied, also standing up from his seat, "Davey, go home. And maybe... get me a lawyer."

David gave his brother a reluctant look before he left out of the station, leaving just Emma and Bellamy alone now.

Bellamy headed over to the cells as Emma followed, stopping in front of him closely, as she began, "We both know that you didn't do anything to Kathryn, Bell."

Bellamy smirked down at her, lifting an eyebrow curiously. "I think you're letting your feelings cloud your judgment."

Emma gave him a look and replied, "I know you'll do anything for your brother... but I also know that you're a very good man who wouldn't kill Kathryn. After all, she was your sister-in law. You're my friend, and I believe in you, Bell."

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