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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 20- The Stranger

It was nighttime now, and Robert Nolan hadn't returned to their home yet

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It was nighttime now, and Robert Nolan hadn't returned to their home yet.

Eight year old Dean looked over at his little brother sitting up in his bed, his small legs against his chest. "Dave."

The said three year old looked up over at Dean with teary eyes and sadly began, "When will Papa come home? What- What does he even do when he's away?"

Dean didn't want to see his brother hurt but also didn't want to tell the truth about their father.

So instead, Dean told him, "You have to quit asking, Davey... Man, you don't want to know."

He just wanted his little brother to be keep being a kid just for a little while longer, and would always try to protect him.

David sniffled and sat up again and faced his brother. "Tell the truth, please, big brother."

The said eight year old inaudibly sighed, but instead of admitting the truth, he told him, "We have the coolest dad in the world. Dad's not gonna let anything bad get you."

Dean moved over to his brother's bed and sat next to him, adding, "He's gonna be here... just like he always is."

David smiled a little and curled up on his brother and fell soundly asleep while Dean nodded some and tucked the three year old underneath the covers.

Dean glanced over at the doorway, hoping that their father would come home soon-- at least, for David's sake.

Bellamy glanced over at the doorway at Granny's to see Emma walk in as she moved over to the booth he and Henry was seated in.

Henry took a small sip of his cocoa and flipped a page in his storybook just as Emma spoke up, "Hey. What's the emergency?"

Henry shushed her, saying in a hushed tone, "Shh! This is sensitive." He was seated next to Bellamy as Emma sat on the other side of them in the booth.

"If it's sensitive, why are we at Granny's, out in the open?" Emma whispered towards the ten year old.

Henry simply replied in his normal voice, "I'm hungry. Who else knows that we hide in the book at the Sheriff's station?"

"No one. Why?" Emma curiously answered her son who commented, "Someone changed it. There's a new story in it."

"Why would someone add a new story?" Emma asked.

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