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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 31- Queen of Hearts

Dean sat in the chair next to the bed his brother was laying in, his folded hands to his chin, as he watched his condition not improving

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Dean sat in the chair next to the bed his brother was laying in, his folded hands to his chin, as he watched his condition not improving.

Regina walked into the back of Gold's shop where the two Nolan men were and landed her gaze on her love. "Dean."

Dean looked up at the raven haired woman just as she placed a soft hand on his shoulder. "He's not waking up-- and won't until Snow comes home..."

Regina knelt in front of him and took his hands into hers before she said, "He'll wake up. Don't lose your hope, yet, my love."

Dean sighed and nodded, moving some and kissed her forehead as the two now lightly pressed their foreheads together.

Regina smiled a little, "I love you."

Dean moved her onto his lap and kissed her on the lips, "And I love you... How's our little one?" He lightly moved a hand over her stomach.

Regina kept her smile on her face, "Still growing, healthy," She held his hand over her stomach, "I'm worried that if my mother comes..."

"Hey," Dean stopped her, now holding the side of her face in his hand, "I won't let anything bad happen to you or the kids. You're my family, too."

Regina kissed him once more before standing back up and leaving out from the back of the shop.

Dean glanced back over at his little brother and prayed, "Davey's cursed again, and I don't know what to do."


As they walked down the tunnel towards Rumplestiltskin's cell, Clary ran a hand over a torch on the wall and lit it, using her magic so they could see and have light.

"Rumplestiltskin's cell... I haven't been here since Regina's curse," Snow mused while Clary walked forward with Mulan and Aurora.

The raven haired woman added towards her daughter, "This is where he told us you were going to be the Savior."

"He knew?" Emma began with slightly wide eyes.

Jace joined in searching for the remains of the squid ink while Emma and Snow still talked on.

He placed his foot on the edge of one rock and climbed up as far as he could in search of the ink.

Aurora spoke up in worry, "The squid ink-- It's not here."

"My uncle said that Rumplestiltskin said it would be here- and I believe him because my father believed in him." Jace spoke up, his faith in family still there, as he jumped down and moved over to them.

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