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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 10- 7:15 A.M

Bellamy was currently sitting on one of the stools in front of the counter inside Granny's diner, a newspaper in his hands as he read over what today's article said with a pen in his mouth

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Bellamy was currently sitting on one of the stools in front of the counter inside Granny's diner, a newspaper in his hands as he read over what today's article said with a pen in his mouth.

Ruby refilled his cup with plain, black coffee as the said man glanced up at her and smiled, saying, "Thanks."

The waitress grinned and moved over to the next customer, taking their orders as well. Mary Margaret then suddenly rushed into the diner and quickly sat down at a nearby table next to the counter, pulling out her book and brushed bangs out of her eyes with her fingers while looking at her reflection in her spoon.

She glanced over at the clock, noticing it was now 7:15.

Bellamy glanced over at the door when the bell dinged, signaling that someone had just walked in the diner.

David had walked into the diner at that time like always and headed over to the counter, stopping beside his older brother who folded the newspaper in half before setting it next to him and removing the pen from his mouth, now taking a bite of his cheeseburger.

"One cream and sugar. One black." Ruby spoke up towards David while handing him two to-go cups of coffees.

"Thank you." David replied while handing the waitress a five dollar bill. He looked over at his unusually quiet brother and spoke up, "Hey, Bell. How's it going?"

Bellamy side glanced over at the man before finishing the last bite of his burger and then answered him, "Hey, Davey. Everything's good. How's the wife?"

David shrugged, saying, "She's good..." He then glanced behind him and over at Mary Margaret. "Morning." He grinned at the woman.

"Good morning." Mary Margaret also smiled as the two of them heard Bellamy remark, "You two seriously need to figure whatever you've got going on because this is just getting a bit awkward."

Bellamy grabbed his own to-go cup of coffee and proceeded to stand up, placing a five dollar bill as a tip on the counter.

David rolled his eyes, lightly smacking his brother on the arm, saying, "Hilarious, Bell."

Bellamy simply grinned and then walked out of the diner and headed down the sidewalk towards his 'baby', his vehicle, running into a blue eyed, new stranger. "Sorry, man."

The stranger did a double take at the man in front of him. He had heard stories of the famous righteous man known as Dean and now he's right here apologizing for accidentally running into August. Man, this curse really is real.

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