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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 3- Snow Falls

Dean guided the carriage that held Princess Abigail and his little brother inside it down the road

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Dean guided the carriage that held Princess Abigail and his little brother inside it down the road. He signaled the driver to slow down as they came upon a fallen tree in the middle of the road.

"M'Lord," A knight spoke up after Dean had moved over to the tree.

David exited the carriage and looked behind him and called out, "Worry not, it's but a fallen tree. Brother, fellows, shall we?"

Dean studied the edge of the tree as David noticed and asked him, "What is it?"

"Look at these markings. This tree didn't fall. It's been cut." Dean answered before straightening and looking back at the carriage, "It's an ambush."

Just as he said that, they heard Abigail scream. Dean and David both took off running towards her as David hopped on a horse and chased after the thief while Dean checked on Abigail, asking, "You alright, Princess?"

"I will be," She let out.

Dean commented, "Stay here. Men, keep an eye on her." He ran and hopped on a horse and sped down the trail after his brother and then slowed down once he saw David standing in the middle of the road.

Dean hopped off of his horse and moved over to him, noticing his chin bleeding as he looked David over. Once he found no broken bones, he took out a bandana and lightly pressed it against his bleeding chin.

"Davey, you okay?" Dean asked him as David nodded, "Well, you're gonna have a scar there now. Did he at least get away with a scar of his own?"

"It was a woman," David admitted.

Dean laughed, saying, "You got beat by a woman? Oh, man." He laughed even more.

David placed his hands over his hips and asked, "You done?"

Dean held his hand up in surrender while still laughing a little. "I'm sorry. It's not- It's not that funny. Sorry."

David rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, I'm not letting this one down anytime soon."

Bellamy was sitting in the hospital room that John Doe was in and let out a sigh, quietly saying, "You have to wake up, man."

Henry decided to sneak away from his class and into the room that the two was in and moved over to the patient. "Do you know who he is?"

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