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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 7- The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

Dean had stopped to rest from his long journey and was currently perched up on a tree branch, sharpening one of his daggers; His back was leaning against the bark behind him and held a stoic look on his face

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Dean had stopped to rest from his long journey and was currently perched up on a tree branch, sharpening one of his daggers; His back was leaning against the bark behind him and held a stoic look on his face.

He was traveling back to his family's farm after having completed his apprenticeship and being chosen as the new Protector/Guardian of the Enchanted Forest.

Just as he finished sharpening the last dagger, the bushes rustled nearby on the ground a few feet beneath him; Dean narrowed his eyes some and looked below to find a huntsman aiming his bow at an unsuspecting deer a few feet in front of him before taking the shot and hitting the animal in the side.

The huntsman moved over to his kill and knelt beside it, letting out, "You have died so that I may live. Forgive me. Your sacrifice is honorable." He paused, taking a deep breath as a tear rolled down his face. "Thank you."

Dean lifted an eyebrow as he noticed a white wolf approach the man who looked at the animal, saying, "Don't worry, boy, you won't go hungry tonight."

Dean pocketed his daggers on his attire again and jumped down on the ground, landing in a crouched stance with a thud before standing fully up on his feet.

The action alone startled the said huntsman who instantly turned around and faced him, arming his bow with another arrow. "Who are you?"

Dean shrugged and remarked, "Doesn't matter who I am. I'm just passing by." The huntsman still kept his guard up around him as he added, "I'm not here to attack you, Sir. But, uh, what were you doing?"

The huntsman tilted his head slightly in confusion and inquired, "What? You've never witnessed anyone kill before?"

Dean actually laughed, saying, "Not exactly what I meant, my fellow huntsman. I meant I've never seen anyone cry over his kill before..." Except for himself-- but he wasn't about to admit that to this guy.

"It's called honoring." The Huntsman simply remarked before he released his arrow as it went straight for Dean.

However, Dean saw this coming and caught it just before it hit his chest an inch away. The Huntsman widened his eyes while Dean ignored the look and tossed the arrow on the ground with the tip embedding itself through the soil.

He then walked away from the Huntsman, shifting his bag a little more on his shoulder, and continued down the trail.

Bellamy shot up in a sitting position, breathing heavily as sweat dropped down his bare back and chest.

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