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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 33- The Outsider

Whale walked out of the double doors, clean from the surgery

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Whale walked out of the double doors, clean from the surgery.

Ruby, the dwarves, Mary Margaret, Emma, David, Clary, and Henry stood up when they saw him.

Regina was standing a few feet away from them, especially after what happened with Archie Hopper.

Whale smiled, saying, "As always, Dean will be fine. The blood transfusion is coming along nicely and he's stable so far. He's awake at the moment, but he's going in and out of consciousness."

David sighed in relief as everyone else smiled, glad that Dean was going to be okay.

"We'll keep him in here for a couple days for observation, but tomorrow morning he should be okay for visitors-" Whale explained.

"Like the hell I'm staying," Dean suddenly cut him off as the knight leaned against the doorway and smiled at the group.

"Dean-" The group started and crowded around the said man while David instantly moved his arm around his shoulders, holding him up.

"I'm fine," Dean assured, "I have had ten times worse than this."

"Dad-" Both Clary and Henry started in concern as the knight smiled and added, "I know. I'm okay."

Dean stepped on front of his two kids and moved them into a reassuring fatherly embrace, both of his hands on the backs of their heads, "I'm okay."


Dean stood in between Henry and Clary who stood on one side of Emma as everyone stood around the gravestone of Archie Hopper.

He listened to sister-in law deliver a speech at Archie's funeral, "Some of us knew him as Archie. Others, as Jiminy. But we all knew him as a true friend."

"And though, he may now be gone, he will always live on inside of us." Snow continued, "Reminding us to be our best selves, to do the right thing, to always fight for what we believe in."

She choked on some of her words as her emotions got the best of her, "So, we shouldn't think of today as goodbye, just as a way of saying... Archie, we'll be listening."

Dean watched her bury herself in his brother's arms while the knight noted all of the anguish looks on the townsfolk.

He knew Regina didn't kill him, yet everyone else believed she did.

Henry looked up at his adopted father and then took his hand into his, needing the reassurance from him.

The eleven year old didn't want to lose Archie who had been a good friend to the boy.

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