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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 43- Second Star to the Right

Dean unlocked the mayor's door and walked inside to find the room empty just as David and Emma also stormed inside with their pistols armed and ready

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Dean unlocked the mayor's door and walked inside to find the room empty just as David and Emma also stormed inside with their pistols armed and ready.

"I told you guys not to follow me," The knight sighed, "To let me handle this."

"Sorry, but we can't," David also sighed.

Emma called out, "It's okay. She's not here." Snow, Clary, and Henry walked inside of the office as well.

Henry quickly went and stood by his adopted dad and began nervously, "W-When you find her, you're not gonna hurt her, are you?"

"Absolutely not," Dean assured his eleven year old son and moved a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"We just want the beans she stole from us," Emma added, moving over to the security system.

Clary moved over to the containment unit that held a stalk of beans, "I don't get it. Why would Regina leave her office unlocked?"

"Especially when she's keeping the beans here," David added as he went and stood by his niece in front of the plant.

Mary Margaret sighed, "Was keeping them here. They're gone!"

Dean shook his head, "Something's not right."

Emma nodded, "Regina would never leave evidence like this behind."

"Maybe she already used them to portal out of Storybrooke," David suggested.

Clary glanced over at him and replied, "Without Henry or my dad? I don't think so."

"What if something bad happened to her?" Henry questioned in concern as his father figure moved a comforting arm around his shoulders.

Dean glanced down at the boy and assured, "Hey, if something happened, we'll get her back. She'll be okay. I promise."

Henry simply moved his small arms around his waist as Dean moved a hand on the back of his head.

Emma was looking at the alarm, "The security system says that the last time someone was in the office was around six this morning... They used an override code to get in."

David furrowed his eyebrows, "Why would Regina need an override code on her own alarm?"

Clary exchanged a look with her father and said, "She wouldn't."

"You think someone else broke in and took the beans?" Snow questioned suspiciously.

Emma shrugged and replied, "We'll, we haven't found Regina anywhere, and we haven't heard from her."

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