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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 27- The Doctor

Regina glanced down at the two pregnancy tests in each of her hands to find both positive

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Regina glanced down at the two pregnancy tests in each of her hands to find both positive. She was in complete and utter shock.

It was impossible for her to have a child of her own. She had prevented herself from being pregnant and carrying a child by that potion she had took a many years ago.

But the tests were right in front of her and showed that she was indeed pregnant-- and at least four or five weeks along.

How will Dean react? This was the only thought currently running through her mind.

She was elated to be having a child but also worried about what the father of this baby would think and feel.

The two of them was in a good place in their relationship, after all. And Regina didn't want to ruin that.

She exited the bathroom and put up the tests and then left out of the house, driving to Dr. Hopper's office to talk about stuff and not yet telling anyone of her pregnancy.


Bellamy drove his brother and Henry over to the stables as the three then exited the Impala. "All right."

Henry yawned some as Bellamy laughed in amusement and wrapped an arm around him, saying, "What's with the yawn? This isn't school, it should be fun."

"I couldn't sleep," The ten year old admitted.

David shared a look with his brother before speaking up, "Hey. I know. We miss them, too."

"Now, just think how happy Emma and Snow will be when they come home to find that you've become a proper knight-- like my awesome self." Bellamy remarked, now leading them over to the horses.

David grinned and added, "Say hello to your steed."

Henry smiled and moved over to a gray horse with dark hair and inquired, "Is he mine?"

Bellamy clicked his tongue, making a white horse with a few brown spots and white hair nicked and approach the door of its stall. "This one's yours."

"Really?" Henry kept his smile and then asked, "So, how do I get on him?"

"Oh, you're not riding today," David commented, which earned a confused response by Henry, "I'm not?"

"No, there's much to learn before you hop in the saddle," Bellamy replied in agreement with his brother.

"Like what?"

"Well, every morning you'll have to muck out his stall," David explained, "Then you'll brush him and feed him. After school, you'll do it again. Every day, twice a day."

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