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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 38- The Miller's Daughter

Chapter 38- The Miller's Daughter

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"Hey, I just talked to Emma. It's a bad wound. She says it's poison. He can only cure it back here in Storybrooke. They're taking the ship home." David said over the phone to his wife who had him on speaker.

Snow was standing by the kitchen table, the phone on top of the surface.

Dean was busy cleaning Clary's cut on her right palm, which now had three stitches.

"Well, let him know that Cora has the knife, okay?" Snow replied, "Who knows what that wicked woman would do."

"What about Hook?" Dean asked as he glanced over at his sister-in law who simply shrugged as an answer to that.


Dean, Clary, Snow, and David all exited his truck and the Chevy Impala, now rushing over to the docks where Emma, Ruby, Henry, and Neal helped Gold walk.

"Are you okay?" Snow questioned her daughter in concern.

"Yeah," Emma sighed, finishing tying the small boat to the pier, "Yup. We're all right."

Henry immediately saw his father figure, grinned, and exclaimed, "DAD!"

He then ran over to the said knight as he hugged him, his small arms wrapped tightly around his waist and face buried in his ribs.

Dean couldn't help but to smile also as he picked him up off the ground and now held the boy in his arms, one hand on the back of his head.

The knight murmured in the embrace, "I missed you too, kid."

"I drove a ship." Henry commented proudly once he was set back on the ground.

"Did you, now?" Dean inquired and kept an arm wrapped around his small shoulders.

"Yeah, my other dad showed me how." Henry answered, glancing over at Neal who added, "That's me."

Gold said in a strained voice once they reached the back of the truck, "Thank you. Thank you."

"Is Cora trying to control you with the dagger?" David asked him.

"Oh, you'd know if she was." Gold remarked, adding, "And most of you would be dead by now."

"Well, then we'll just have to take the fight to her before that can happen." Clary spoke up.

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