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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 5- That Still Small Voice

Chapter 5- That Still Small Voice

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*One Day Earlier*

Regina walked into her son's room, stopping at his doorway, to find the boy finishing his homework at his desk. "Henry, remember how you told me Bellamy was hospitalized yesterday?"

He turned to look over at his mom and nodded slowly yet guiltily as she added with a light smile, "Well, they just called and told me that Bellamy's awake now."

Henry widened his eyes in relief as a grin appeared on his face, saying, "Can we go see him now? Please?"

"Sure," Regina nodded, her smile a little more bigger now. She knew how much her son adores Bellamy, even going as far to say he's the only father figure the ten year old has in his life.

Henry grabbed his backpack from his bed and followed his mom out of the house.


Henry ran through the hospital doors with Regina following closely behind him as the boy headed straight for Bellamy's room.

The said man was sitting up in the bed, his arms lightly folded across his chest, while he was being evaluated by Dr. Whale.

He was dressed in a white v-neck tee shirt with a pair of blue hospital pants, his usual styled spiked, brown hair slightly messy. But other than that, he looked okay, except being a bit tired.

Emma was standing a few feet from the bed with David sitting in the chair next to his brother, the two looking up when Henry ran in.

The ten year old smiled big while Bellamy didn't notice him yet or really wasn't paying attention to anything at the moment.

Henry thought it was because he was mad at him though, so the kid quickly turned around and headed out of the room.

Bellamy thought back to what he remembered from his dream then.

Eight year old Dean stood by as his father was fixing to head out of the house before the grown man turned and spoke to his firstborn, "So, what're you supposed to do while I'm gone?"

Dean glanced over at his three year old brother who wasn't paying attention to them and sat in a comfy chair as he played with some toys, saying, "Shoot first, ask questions later... Watch out for David and Mom."

"That's right." His father nodded while placing a hand over the boy's shoulder, adding, "Be good." He then walked out of the house and left while Dean nodded slowly, looking back over at his brother.

Bellamy blinked a few times, hearing Dr. Whale continue what he was saying, "Alright, you can leave as soon as maybe a few hours from now. I'll prescribe you some medicine for the headaches you're having from that concussion, and you'll need rest."

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