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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 42- The Evil Queen

Eight year old Dean stood at the bottom of the staircase, his hand holding the banister, as he watched his parents whisper between one another

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Eight year old Dean stood at the bottom of the staircase, his hand holding the banister, as he watched his parents whisper between one another.

"Papa?" He made himself known as both adults looked over at him, "Are you leaving again?"

"Yeah, but I'll be back," Robert bent down to meet his firstborn's height and ruffled his hair some, "Remember to lock the door. Don't leave home. Don't let David out of your sight. Stab-"

"Stab first, ask questions later," The eight year old repeated, his posture immediately straightening like a good soldier, "Watch out for Mom and Davey. I know."

Robert squeezed the boy's shoulder and chuckled, "Good man. After all, when I'm gone, you're the man of the house."

Dean nodded in understanding and glanced out of the window to see his three year old little brother playing with their sheep dog happily.

Dean glanced down at Henry as the eleven year old filled the bird feeders back up with bird feed.

Regina walked up to them and lightly smiled, saying, "Good morning, Henry, Dean."

Henry smiled, "Mom, what're you doing here?"

Regina shrugged, "I just wanted to stop by and see what my boys are doing. Why don't you show me that your bird feeder? Sure it'll make the birds very happy."

Dean moved an arm around the small of his fiancée's back and kissed the side of her head as she grinned at the action.

He could tell something was on her mind as he pulled her aside out of earshot from their son.

"What's wrong, Reg?"

Regina subconsciously moved a light hand over her stomach and sighed, "I overheard your brother and Mary Margaret. They're still planning to go back to our land and take Henry and lock me up..."

Dean's jaw flexed as he looked away and licked his lips at that.

"I won't let them. You're safe." Dean assured, kissing her forehead in assurance, moving a hand over her small baby bump, "Along with our kids."

Regina shook her head, "I don't want to come in between you and them-"

"Hey," Dean stopped her, "You're not. And they won't, either. I am not going anywhere. You have me. Okay?"

Regina smiled some and kissed him, "When did I become so lucky to have someone like you?"

"When I became lucky to have you," He chuckled as the two kissed again, "I do have to go talk to my brother, and too, you can spend time with Henry."

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