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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.

Also, Jace will be playing as:
(Face Claim: Dominic Sherwood)

 Also, Jace will be playing as: (Face Claim: Dominic Sherwood)

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  And, Clary will be playing as:
(Face Claim: Katherine McNamara)

  And, Clary will be playing as: (Face Claim: Katherine McNamara)

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Chapter 28- Tallahassee

Mary landed in another world as she held onto her three year old twins even more in her arms and looked around at the different buildings and motored carriages riding down the streets.

It was the land of no magic, London back in the 1940s and during the Blitz, which was a German bombing campaign against the United Kingdom during the Second World War.

"Mommy, I want Daddy," The small redheaded girl let out, a tear sliding down her face as she held her brother's hand in hers.

"You and your brother will see him again one day, baby," Mary assured her twins, "Have faith, and always- always- remember that your father and I loves you kids very much."

Emma, Mary Margaret, Mulan, Aurora, and Captain Hook all stared above them at the large beanstalk that towered them.

Emma kept her gaze on the beanstalk before turning her attention over to her mother and started, "It's a little freakier than I remember from the story." She glanced back up at it again.

Mulan frowned and simply remarked, "Reminds me of death."

"Encouraging," Mary Margaret also remarked.

Hook looked over at the blonde a few feet beside him and spoke up, "Well, your compass awaits." He glanced at the others and added, "Shall we?"

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