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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 26- The Crocodile

Fifteen year old Dean stood next to a dark haired pirate as the two of them noticed a man with slightly greasy shoulder length hair and a limp fall to the floor on the ship's floor

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Fifteen year old Dean stood next to a dark haired pirate as the two of them noticed a man with slightly greasy shoulder length hair and a limp fall to the floor on the ship's floor.

"On your feet for the Captain!" A crew member ordered the scared man who was yanked up off the floor and held by two other pirates.

"I-I remember you. From the bar." The man started towards Killian, gripping onto his his staff used as a cane.

"It's always nice to make an impression," Killian remarked, making his crew laugh. "Where are my manners? We haven't been formally introduced. Killian Jones. Now, what are you doing aboard my ship?"

Dean looked from the captain to the man in front of them as he answered, "Well... you have my wife."

"Well, I've had many a man's wife," Killian commented, the crew laughing at that again.

"N-No. You see, we have a son. And he needs his mother." Rumplestiltskin continued desperately.

"You see, I have a ship full of men who need companionship." Killian simply said, earning a chorus of agreements from his crew. "Huh?"

"I-I'm begging you," Rumplestiltskin stammered, "Please let her go."

"He's not much for bartering," Dean spoke up then, earning a proud nod from Killian who added, "That said, I do consider myself an honorable man. A man with a code."

Killian smirked, dropping a sword at Rumplestiltskin's feet, "So, if you truly want your wife back, all you have to do is take her."

Rumplestiltskin shook in fear as the captain's sword moved closer to him. Dean commented, "Never been in a duel before, I take it?"

"Well, it's quite simple, really. The pointy end goes in the other guy," Killian also commented as his crew laughed some more. "Go on. Pick it up. A man unwilling to fight for what he wants deserves what he gets."

Rumplestiltskin began to cry softly as his voice broke, saying, "Please, sir. What am I gonna tell my boy?"

The fifteen year old stepped up the steps and moved over to the wheel as Killian followed and looked back at the man and said, "Try the truth. His father's a coward."

Bellamy swung his pickaxe around and hit the rocks in front of him, David and the dwarves doing the same.

Henry stood by and watched them while Leroy told them, "Keep swinging, dwarves!" Bellamy glanced over at his son and winked a little before going back to swinging.

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