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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 50- Ariel

Snow, David, and Dean sat themselves on a log watching Emma and Clary being taught how to use their magic by Regina

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Snow, David, and Dean sat themselves on a log watching Emma and Clary being taught how to use their magic by Regina.

"Focus." Regina told the two girls standing in front of an unlit fire pit. "Concentrate."

"It's kinda hard when you're talking in my ear." Emma started, unfolding her arms across her chest.

"And when the wind blows or it's raining, or someone's shooting arrows at you." Regina pointed out, "Yes, concentration's hard. That's the point. Find your anger and use it to focus."

"No. There has to be a way without going dark." Emma commented.

Regina groaned, "You're such a pathetic waste of ability-"

"And you're a monster!" Emma snapped at her as Clary lifted a brow in her direction and pointed out, "Smell that?"

The said blonde sighed, "What?"

Regina noticed what Clary had noticed and pointed it out with a smirk, "Smoke." Emma glanced down at the small fire in front of them with raised eyebrows.

"This is a bad idea." David sighed in between his wife and brother on a log as they watched their daughters and Regina.

"She has it in her. She should learn to use it." Snow commented, "Both of them. We just have to trust them."

"Yeah. It's not Emma and Clary I don't trust." David replied.

Dean gave him a look and sighed just as Jace and Hook stepped through the bushes and noticed the three of them and moved over to them, Hook quietly told them, "We need to talk."

Hook knelt by Dean's side as the three of them looked over at the pirate who continued quietly, "Pan paid me a visit. He, uh, he told me that Neal is alive. That he's on this very island."

"No, Emma saw him. He was shot." Snow shook her head in confusion, "He fell through a portal. No one can survive that."

"Well, he did. And now he's here. He said he took him from this very camp while we were off in his cave." Hook replied.

Jace nodded in agreement, adding, "It's true. I was with Neal part of my return to you guys on this island. The last I saw him, we were both with Rumplestiltskin in effort to get Henry away from Pan. Neal told me to go ahead and find you guys as he dealt with his father... I shouldn't have left him."

Dean glanced over at his son, saying, "It's okay. You probably would have been trapped with him. We'll find him."

Jace forgot how his father was when it came to his family for a moment until then. Dean's response might've been nothing to some people, but to him, it showed his concern for his family.

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