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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 48- Nasty Habits

"This is where they're keeping Henry

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"This is where they're keeping Henry. Pan's compound,  according to, uh..." Emma trailed off as she drew a little simple map of the said villain's camp.

The ex-fairy looked up at that and over at her and finished for her, "Tinkerbell."

Emma nodded slowly, "Yeah, I know. Still weird to say."

"Tink is fine," Tinkerbell shrugged as she stepped back over to them from where she had just put some firewood.

Emma murmured, "Not sure that's any better. Anyway, she says that there are sentries positioned across the front. Which is why we're going to come through the back entrance— here. She's gonna talk her way in once she makes sure the coast is clear, then we are going to sneak on in."

"Which we'll still have to deal with any of those Lost Boys," Clary reminded them.

"I think we can handle a few children with pointy sticks," Emma remarked.

Tinkerbell glanced at her, and said, "It's not the sticks you need to worry about. It's the poison they're dipped in."

"Dreamshade. Hook and Dean warned us." Snow agreed with a firm nod.

Tinkerbell nodded and added, "Good. One nick and you'll spend the last-"

She was cut off by David standing up and saying, "Poison sticks equal death, we got it. Now when can we put this rescue mission into action?"

"I'm ready to go. Just as soon as you tell me the exit plan." The fairy remarked.

Everyone exchanged a small wary look as she caught on and repeated slightly, "You do have an escape plan, don't you?"

"It was more of a last minute trip," Snow slowly began.

"If you don't have a way off this island, then none of this matters." Tinkerbell stated.

Regina stood up, a hand over her stomach, and spoke up, "We'll figure it out."

"You'll figure it out? No one comes and goes from this place unless he allows it-"

Clary furrowed her eyebrows, and cut her off, "My dad did-"

Tinkerbell glanced over at Dean at that expectingly, and inquired curiously, "How?"

Dean sighed, "Not something I wanna repeat."

David caught the meaning of his brother's choice of words and knew what he meant. In order to leave the island the first time, it came with a price he didn't want to make again.

"If you don't have an exit plan, none of this matters." Tinkerbell continued.

"When it comes to family, we always find a way." David spoke up.

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