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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 6- The Shepherd

Bellamy stood inside of the Nolan house along with a bunch of other people, awaiting his brother's arrival for the 'Welcome home, David' party

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Bellamy stood inside of the Nolan house along with a bunch of other people, awaiting his brother's arrival for the 'Welcome home, David' party.

He had a bottle of beer in one hand just as David and Kathryn stepped inside of the house to everyone now clapping and cheering.

"This is Gene," Kathryn began to introduce a man to David who smiled and replied, "How are you doing?"

"And this is Ellen, his wife," Kathryn added.

"Ellen, hi." "You, too."

"And Frank."

"Welcome home, David."

The two finally stepped over to Dr. Whale as the three said hi and Whale began, "Look, I know this is a lot, but... it's good for you. The smallest thing can trigger your memory. Just try and have fun."

"Thank you, Dr. Whale," David nodded and exhaled deeply, "I'll do my best."

David then noticed his brother talking to some of the other guests and called out, "Bell, hey." The two of them then hugged one another.

"How are you feeling?" Bellamy began, keeping a concerned hand over his little brother's shoulder.

"Kind of... overwhelmed but good, too," David admitted before noticing Emma talk to Henry as the two sat on a bench. "That's your kid, isn't it?"

Bellamy shrugged, "In a sense."

The two men approached Emma and Henry as David spoke up to them first, "You're the ones that helped my brother save me, right?"

"Oh. Yeah, I-I guess," Emma shrugged.

"And, uh, you three are also the only ones I know here," David added.

"You can hide with us," Emma commented just as a waiter stepped over to them with a tray of appetizers in his hand, David replying, "Fantastic." He stabbed a carrot with a toothpick and now held it while Bellamy already had a mouthful of the food.

"So... you ever used a sword?" Henry inquired curiously towards David who laughed, "I'm sorry? Emma? You live with Mary Margaret, right? You know if she's coming tonight?"

"No, she couldn't make it," Emma admitted.

"Oh, excuse us," David nodded before pulling his big brother aside, "I need some air. Can you tell the others, you know, cover for me?"

"Go find her, Davey. Clear your head. But do not get hurt." Bellamy told him, "You understand?"

David smiled and nodded again before stepping out of the house while Bellamy moved into the kitchen as he accidentally bumped into Regina who was fixing to walk out of the kitchen.

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