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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 52- Think Lovely Thoughts

Dean walked beside Regina who spoke up towards the Dark One first, "You know, despite our differences, I can always count on you to get things done

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Dean walked beside Regina who spoke up towards the Dark One first, "You know, despite our differences, I can always count on you to get things done. Unlike the rest of them. You were right. They're just a liability... no offense, honey." She glanced over at her knight.

Dean gave her a certain look she didn't quite decipher as he replied, "They're not a liability."

"Where are they?" Gold curiously asked.

"Oh, well, Pan told them Neal was alive. And of course, Emma took the bait." Regina answered, "Such a waste of time."

"Even though he is alive," Dean pointed out.

"He's right. Baelfire is alive." Gold nodded in agreement, "Pan wasn't lying. And neither was Dean. I saw him here on this island."

"What? You saw him and you just parted ways?" Regina questioned in disbelief, "You realize that he might have a way off the island?"

"Let's worry about the travel plans after we get Henry." Gold simply replied.

"There's something you're not telling me." Regina kept on, "What happened when you saw him?"

"Look, the next time I see him will be when I'm putting Henry in his arms." Gold commented, "When father and son are reunited."

He walked ahead as Regina stopped and looked behind her at her love, "Dean? What's wrong?"

The said knight licked his lips, his jaw flexing some. "You didn't believe me, and you think my family are just liabilities..."


"No. I have believed everything with you and have been by your side and defended you through everything with them... the least you could do is believe me, believe in us." Dean sighed.

"I'm sorry, Dean... I'll do better next time and try to get along with them..." Regina began, her eyes watery. He was right. He has stuck up for her and sided with her quite a few times, and all she's done was think of herself. This was about the two of them believing in each other, trusting each other.

"I know that there's a lot of bad blood between you and them. I get it, I do. Hell, we used to have that between the two of us until things changed... I'm just asking for you to believe me, too, as I you, Reg." Dean continued, taking her hands into his and pulling her closer to him gently.

"I-" Regina began but stopped herself. He kept her safe. He made sure nobody messed with her. He made sure she wouldn't give into the darkness again. And he did believe in her when no one else would. More importantly, he was right. He deserved to have her trust. "Okay. I promise I'll do better."

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