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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 51- Dark Hollow

Both Regina and Dean watched Gold draw a map in the dirt with a long stick as Ariel inquired, "That's Storybrooke?"

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Both Regina and Dean watched Gold draw a map in the dirt with a long stick as Ariel inquired, "That's Storybrooke?"

"Can you get there?" The Dark One answered with another question as the mermaid replied, "It's far. I'll have to cross over realms, but yes, I can make it."

"If all went according to plan, Storybrooke will be surrounded by a cloaking spell. When you arrive, surface close to the shore, then you're inside its bounds." Gold explained,

"And what would you like for me to bring back?" Ariel asked.

Gold answered, "An object to help is defeat Pan."

"She's going to need a little more than that to go on." Dean remarked, folding his arms across his chest.

"I'm sorry. Pan has ears everywhere." Gold replied, "We can't risk telling you."

"Then how?" Ariel questioned.

Gold made something in his palm glow yellow. "Find a woman named Belle. And then give her this." He held us a seashell and tossed it to the mermaid who caught it. "She'll know exactly what to do."

"Belle. Storybrooke. Got it." Ariel smiled and added, glancing over at Regina, "And Eric? Where will I find him in this new world?"

"That comes after you've succeeded. Incentives are important. The bracelet will only give you legs for 24 hours." Regina replied.

Ariel furrowed her eyebrows, "How do I know you'll uphold your end of the bargain when I'm back?"

Dean stepped forward, saying, "You can trust me. You know it. I'll make sure it upholds."

Ariel smiled at that, letting out, "I know you will." With that, she slipped off the rock and landed below in the water, gone now.

Dean shared a look with Regina who took his hand in hers.


"Pan's shadow? That's your way off the island?"  Emma questioned once Neal had explained how he had escaped off of the island a lifetime ago.

"Unfortunately it's the only way." Neal commented.

"Oh. We thought you learnt how to navigate the stars." David began, his arms folded across his chest.

"I know how to navigate the stars." Neal remarked, "But I can't fly."

"I'm guessing that's where the Shadow comes in." Jace spoke up, his arms folded across his chest, as Neal nodded and added, "That's why we have to capture it."

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