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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 18- The Stable Boy

Five year old Dean watched his mother place his baby brother, David, inside of his crib just as their father stepped to the doorway

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Five year old Dean watched his mother place his baby brother, David, inside of his crib just as their father stepped to the doorway.

"Heya, Dean," Robert spoke up.

Dean grinned and faced the man, running over to him, letting out, "Daddy!"

Robert picked him up in his arms and smiled down at the boy, saying, "Oh, you've grown. Must be from being the man of the house while I was away. Right?"

Dean nodded and commented, "I took care of them just like you asked."

"Let's tell your little brother goodnight and then put you in bed." Robert told him, placing the five year old back on the floor.

Dean was lifted enough to reach inside of the crib as he kissed David's forehead, saying, "Night, Davey."

David moved over to the driver's door of the Chevy Impala and reached inside of the rolled down window and held down the horn.

This made Bellamy lurch upright in his passenger seat, letting out, "Kelly Clarkson!"

David laughed while Bellamy removed his sunglasses off and looked over at his little brother with an amused yet tired look.

"What is it?" Bellamy began.

David sighed, saying, "Mary Margaret doesn't want to see me. But I don't blame her. I mean, I didn't mean what I said. I-I just-- This is a rather confusing situation."

Bellamy lifted an eyebrow towards his brother's way before he commented, "She just needs time, man. And a miracle."

"Yeah. Yeah, that's what Emma said." David replied, sounding defeated as well as his shoulders slumped.

Bellamy grunted a little before he slid over into the driver's seat and motioned for him to hop in. "Get in the car."

"Why?" David started in confusion but already made his way over to the other side of his brother's favorite vehicle.

"You need to get away for a day or two, so you and I are going camping. We'll do some hunting and fishing." Bellamy explained, "Like before."

David nodded, saying, "Okay. Let's go." He sat down in the passenger seat and shut his door.

Before Bellamy could drive away, David grabbed a box of cassettes and started to look through them.

"I swear, man, you've gotta update your cassette tapes," David remarked, "AC/DC? It's the greatest hit of mullet rock."

Bellamy smirked, saying, "House rules, Davey. Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cake hole." He turned up the radio as Back in Black played while they now rode down the road.

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