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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 34- In the Name of the Brother

Clary, Emma, and Snow rode in the back of Dean's Impala while he sped down the road with David in the front passenger seat, quickly stopping at the town line due to an emergency

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Clary, Emma, and Snow rode in the back of Dean's Impala while he sped down the road with David in the front passenger seat, quickly stopping at the town line due to an emergency.

David immediately exited the vehicle and moved over to Gold who was on the ground with Belle in front of the said Dark One's car.

Clary noticed Hook sprawled on the side of the road, banged up, as she rushed over to the pirate.

"I'm at the town line. Two people down-- maybe three. There's a car, pretty banged up, with Pennsylvania plates." Emma spoke over her phone.

Dean then stepped over to Hook on his other side just as Emma walked over to them as well.

"Hello, my adopted brother," Hook said towards Dean with a grunt, glancing over at Clary and smirked, "Hey, beautiful."

The said redhead bent down as Hook continued with a few grunts, "Here, I didn't think you'd notice-- Aah!"

Clary had slightly pushed down on his ribs and pointed out, "I think your ribs are broken."

"Oh, that must be why it hurts when I laugh." Hook remarked in pain.

The pirate looked up at the knight, "Did you see his face? His one true love, gone in an instant!" He glanced at Gold, slowly leaning up, "Just like Milah, Crocodile..."

Gold started to step over to them while Hook had slowly stood up with the help of Dean as the pirate groaned and added, "When you took her from me-"

The Dark One now stood in front of the pirate, "You took her first." He then kicked Hook in the face, which made Dean ever so slightly stumble back being that he had been holding him up.

"Gold, are you insane!?" Emma and Clary exclaimed in unison.

Gold shot back, "Yes, I am!"

He then started to choke the pirate until Dean moved in between the two men and shoved Gold backwards, "Can't let you do that."

David swiftly stepped over to them also and tried holding back Gold as Emma started, "You don't want her to see that."

"I'm a stranger to her." Gold argued as Clary pointed out, "Murder is a bad first impression."

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