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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 37- The Queen is Dead

Clary walked down the stairs while Dean stood in the kitchen, cooking breakfast for everyone

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Clary walked down the stairs while Dean stood in the kitchen, cooking breakfast for everyone.

Dean noticed his daughter and poured her a mug of coffee and placed it in front of her on the counter, where she sat down and took a small sip, saying, "Thanks."

After a few minutes, and Dean, David, and Clary having drank their cups of coffee, Mary Margaret turned around from where she was facing the mirror, and said towards the knight, "What are you doing?"

"Making breakfast," Dean shrugged.

"Why?" Snow asked.

Both Dean and David knew what today was-- Snow's birthday, also the day her mother had passed away.

"I'm hungry-" David began.

"And because I do that. I make breakfast for my family, take care of them," Dean simply said.

Dean continued to fix pancakes, which Clary was happy about because she loves those.

Snow gave her husband as well as her brother-in law a look, "You two think I don't know what you're doing? We talked about this-- We had a deal."

"I know, but with the curse broken, we thought maybe you would change your mind," David replied as he turned around to face his wife.

Mary Margaret shook her head and argued, "Well, it didn't."

She then walked over to the table and paused, but kept walking as she noticed the present on the table, saying, "What's this?"

Dean and Clary both raised their eyebrows at that, having just noticed the wrapped gift.

"A birthday present, obviously-"

"No, I told you two-" Snow started.

"I didn't do it, and I'm pretty sure Clary nor Davey did not do it, either." The said knight defended his case.

"I didn't," Both David and Clary also nodded.

Snow gave the two men a look, "No one else knows."

"Apparently, someone does," Clary spoke up and shoveled another bite of pancakes in her mouth.

David agreed, saying, "And they also think you should celebrate. It was left outside the door this morning."

Snow sighed as she looked at the three, and then stepped back over at the box, opening it.

The said princess paused once the box was opened as Dean inquired, "What is it?"

Snow pulled out a small tiara from out of the box, and she looked like she was about to start crying.

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