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I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 16- Heart of Darkness

"Red, look out!" James yelled upon catching sight of a flaming arrow headed straight for the red-cloaked woman

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"Red, look out!" James yelled upon catching sight of a flaming arrow headed straight for the red-cloaked woman.

Dean looked up from where he was seated at their campsite and simply sliced the flaming arrow with his sword right before it hit Red.

The said woman was wide-eyed, both at the knight and the flaming arrow which had been slung into the snow by his sword, extinguishing the fire.

"We need to move," Dean spoke up quickly as he spotted a group of King George's knights headed straight towards them. "They found us."

James- David- started running towards his horse while Dean looked out at the army, readying his sword and successfully hitting one of the knights off of their horse.

'James' reached his hand out to Red, but she refused, saying, "Both of you go! I'll take care of them."

Dean shook his head at the woman and replied, "Red, I'm not leaving you."

"Find Snow!" Red urged, glancing over at the said knight who had also mounted his horse, "That's all that matters. Find her!"

"What are you going to do?" Charming asked the red clad woman.

At that, both Red and Dean shared a look and glanced up at the full moon. "I'm giving you a head start."

Dean nodded in understanding at her plan and watched Red remove her cloak as her eyes glowed yellow.

He and his brother whipped their horses' reigns and now galloped away from Red facing the group of men just as they heard a howl.

Bellamy placed a reassuring hand on his little brother's shoulder and told him, "Relax, Davey. We both know Mary Margaret didn't do this-- just like you didn't do this. Continue to stand by her."

David began to pace around the motel room and shook his head, saying, "But who would do this? And why?"

Bellamy knew the real reason and who really did this, but he couldn't say yet because his brother- or anyone- doesn't even remember who they truly are.

Which he didn't like. At all.

"As long as I'm around, nothing bad is going to happen to you." Bellamy assured him again as he folded his brown shirt and packed it inside of his duffle bag.

Bellamy started to pick up the bag until he felt very lightheaded all of a sudden and leaned against the railing of the bed somewhat.

David noticed the action and placed a concern hand on his brother's right arm, starting, "You all right, Bell?"

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