Chapter 5

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Here's the next chapter. The first full moon. It's my longest chapter so far....oops. 

By the way, this is how I kind of picture the two of them in the story, just a little younger. Harry is more like his sixteen year old self but with his long hair and really tall. Louis is kinda his twenty year old self mixed with WWAT Louis....Does this makes sense?

I think the song fits Louis' story pretty well


The sun burned on the street and the dolphins jumped happily through the water. Children watched them with sparkling eyes. Zayn was watching them almost bored. There wasn't much to do in the marine park today. For hours he had his feet sore, but few people were interested in ice cream today. That would be nice if he had something else to do, but no, he just stood around. After all, Louis would pick him up in a sec and then they would go to JuiceNet. Liam had something planned this morning but didn't want to tell anyone what. He wanted to find out something. What was that about?

He was suddenly torn from his thoughts when someone grabbed his arm. He whirled around and there she stood now. He waited tensely for what she had to say.

"I came to warn you" she breathed softly.

"Warn about what ?" he asked.

"You must never talk to sea bass" she said seriously. 

Zayn raised an eyebrow and studied her. "Why should I talk to sea basses?".

"Listen carefully. You must never look him in the eye" she continued.

"In which eye?" Zayn didn't understand.

"In the eye of the moon. The Full moon. Don't look at him, him or his reflection. You can't touch water after he appeared. That is very important" she warned him and looked him straight in the eyes. 

The riddles of the woman only confused Zayn more. What was so dangerous about the moon? "I don't understand what you mean. How can I ...".

"Zayn" he heard Louis call. He turned to him, smiled at him, and when he looked back, the woman had disappeared. How did she do that?

"Have you seen her?" he asked Louis.

"Whom?" Louis inquired.

"The elderly lady. She just stood here and talked to me" Zayn explained.

"I didn't see anyone, sorry" Louis said.

"She warned me about the full moon" Zayn told him.

On the way to JuiceNet Zayn told Louis every detail, including the sea bass, which made both laugh. Really a strange woman. Then Louis told him how the first game of his kids team had gone. They had actually won. Apparently Louis was a good football coach. At some point Zayn had to come to training. Absolutely.

When they arrived at the cafe they saw Niall standing behind the counter and preparing juices. "What's up, Nialler?" Louis greeted him cockily.

"Tommo, Zen, what's up, mates" he greeted with a grin.

"To celebrate your week-long Jubilee here, I'll  pay a round of juices. Zayn, what do you want?" Louis boasted.

"Orange, lemon, banana, grape and pineapple with a dash of vanilla and a mint leaf" ordered Zayndead seriously.

"That sounds disgusting" choked Louis.

"Great, Zen, do some extra work for me. I thought you wanted to celebrate me. Why do you hate me so much?" whined Niall.

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