Chapter 24

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This will be a lot of dialogues and short little scenes because I'm jumping through three weeks to finally get to the end of this freaking second term of the school year. There will be a big clash at the end and this finally needs to happen. 


"Okay class, it's time to share your task for the exam" the teacher announced.

Louis sat nervously in his chair next to Harry and Eleanor. He didn't care much about the other subjects, but he wanted to be good in this. Hopefully the task was well feasible in three weeks.

"You will prepare a scene in groups of three about a love triangle. How you do it and what the problem is, is up to you. You have a free hand, let your creativity flow" he told them.

Louis pondered thoughtfully what he could prepare for various scenes. There were enough of triangular relationship. Enough examples of films and books. Twilight for example. Urgh, terrible example. Now the only question left was the group.

His teacher now came to him after he had already divided some groups. "After your great presentation last time and the development you've gone through, I'd love it if you three work together again, to see what's possible now" he pointed to Eleanor, Harry and him. Sure, of course.

"What do you mean by now?" Eleanor asked.

"Well, I've noticed that you probably don't hate each other any more. After all you're always sitting together. Last time was good despite your hatred. I'm curious how good you are if you like each other" he explained.

"Oh, makes sense" Eleanor understood.

"Remember, any constellation is possible. You have no limits. Just a triangle, no matter in which form" he repeated with a strange look, and then left.

"What was that?" Eleanor wondered.

"Who cares? We need to think of something good. He expects a lot from us" Harry said.

"Think, what's a good idea?" Louis mused.

"You could both fight for my love" El cackled amused.

"How funny, as if that'll ever happen" Louis rolled his eyes.

"Ey" she punched him in the shoulder.

"Not the dumbest idea, but too undramatic. How about cheating?" Harry suggested.

"In what way?" Eleanor hooked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe you cheated one of us with the other" Harry looked for an idea.

"Great, then I'm the bad guy" Eleanor fakely was offended.

"Does it have to be cheating? Can it not be more harmless and not so cliché?" Louis threw in. Of course, it had to be something that was unpleasant to him. How should it be different.

"No, that's good" Harry based his opinion. He looked at Louis in a funny way. Louis couldn't read his eyes, but he didn't like it. 

"Mh maybe not more harmless, but he is right with the cliche. He is definitely expecting that. We have to do something unexpected" suspected Eleanor.

"And what did you think of?" Harry became curious.

For a while Eleanor thought quietly. Louis and Harry looked at each other questioningly, but no one had an idea what was going on in her pretty head.

"I got it!! Cheating can stay that way but not so old-fashioned" she snapped her finger.

"Now you make me curious" Louis leaned closer to her.

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