Chapter 33

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Full Moon Time Again. I was waiting for one of this scenes for a while now. We're really close.

Dalton really won the X-Factor. I'm so happy for him and Louis :)


Niall and Hailee walked through the park and talked happily. In an hour everyone met up with Louis at his house so they could go to Mako. The girls would go with Jay in a boat and the boys in Liam's boat. In this way unfavourable incidents could first be avoided. Niall was more worried than he wanted to admit. This time they weren't alone and when something happened, Louis was fucked.

"Are you listening to me?" Hailee asked and stopped.

"I'm sorry. I was thinking somewhere else" Niall apologized.

"All right. I know you're probably thinking about the trip" she smiled sympathetically.

"That's true. I feel like something is going to happen" sighed Niall.

"Everything will be good. Not everyone likes to camp, but that doesn't mean that it has to be terrible. After all, your friends are there" she encouraged him.

"Did I ever tell you that you are the best and that I would be lost without you?" Niall grinned happily.

"Not often enough" she laughed contentedly. "I have to go now. Camila is waiting for me. Something important. What do I know".

"All right, too bad, but I have to leave soon anyway" Niall replied.

"You're texting me, right?" she asked hopefully.

"I haven't done anything else for a week, but no, why should I do that" Niall joked.

"I meant before you go off on Mako. The reception there is terrible" she slapped him lightly on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I have to leave someone my last will" Niall exaggerated.

"You're an idiot" she rolled her eyes.

"You're not any better" he said, hugging her goodbye. He really liked her and was glad the two were friends.

"See you at your gig on Saturday" she waved goodbye.

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" he called after her.

Amused, he continued walking through the park until he was close to the end. He was doing well for a change today. Apparently it started to get better and hadn't so much impact on him any more.

"Niall, wait" someone called behind him.

He stopped abruptly and turned around. Perrie came running up to him and looked exhausted.

"I was looking for you" she let him know.

"Oh no. If you want to warn me then it's already too late. We'll drive straight to Mako and we can't change that any more" Niall told her before she could say something. He didn't want to hear bad news.

"That's good, even better. Because if anything happens, the only safe place is the Moon Pool on Mako Island" she told him.

"I don't want to be insulting, but that doesn't make sense. We're supposed to avoid water and the moonlight, but we should get into the Moon Pool at full moon?" he looked at her in disbelief.

"I know that sounds crazy, but it is like this. I can't tell you why, but I just know, from personal experience" she insisted.

"But didn't you say the moon wouldn't want us anything bad any more and it would get better?" Niall didn't understand her.

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