Chapter 34

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This chapter is dedicated to someone who started reading my story a little while ago. I wanted to dedicate the two last chapters to her or him but I now this time I will not forget it. Maybe it's even more perfect now. 

sassi5398 it's dedicated to you :) <3

It's my longes chapter so far. 14385 words. But it's also one of the mot important ones so this makes sense :)


"Louis?" The voice of Jay came through the door, but Louis didn't answer.

Jay knocked on the door again, but again Louis said nothing. Slowly the door opened and Louis pulled himself together even more. Gingerly, she walked around the bed and crouched down to look at him. Reluctantly, Louis looked at her with red puffy eyes. He had tear strains on his face and lay huddled in the middle of the bed with his back to the door hugging a pillow.

"Oh Louis, wouldn't you like to come down and eat something?" she sighed and brushed some hair from his face.

Louis barely shook his head. He wasn't hungry. He had hardly slept the night and just lain there and asked himself thousands of questions. He was paralysed. Dazed. Numb.

"Alright, but are you at least coming down to say goodbye to Anne?" Jay cocked his head. Louis nodded hesitantly and Jay got up and left the room.

He was grateful to her that she didn't ask how he was doing because it was totally obvious. He felt distressed. Everything was so empty without Harry and it was only yesterday evening. All night he had seen the gig in front of his eyes and tried again and again to understand what had happened. It was obvious that the lyric change of Harry wasn't intended and he was shocked by himself. But Louis didn't understand why it was enough reason to leave him without saying a word and let him hanging in the air. Louis wouldn't have said anything if Harry wanted it while Harry was still here. But Harry had not given him that chance. Louis felt abandoned.

Moody he got up and waddled over to the wardrobe. He pulled out sweatpants and pulled them over quickly. Then he pulled Harry's sweater straight and ruffled his messy hair. He didn't want to scare Anne completely.

From the living room he heard soft voices as he walked into the kitchen. He got himself something to drink and leaned against the kitchen counter. Quietly he heard soft footsteps behind him and turned reluctantly around. Anne gave him a friendly smile, but Louis could tell she was just trying to maintain a positive façade for him. Actually, she didn't feel like smiling.

"Louis dear, nice to see you. You were great yesterday" she said in greeting. Melancholy was in her voice and Louis could feel the tears behind his eyes again.

"Thanks, we did our best" croaked Louis, his eyes watery.

Anne's smile dropped at the sight and she hugged him without a word. Actually, Louis didn't want to be pitied, but that comfort did him good. It was Harry's mother who was trying to cheer him up because he was down because of her son. It was so bizarre that Louis had to smile a little. A few tears still ran down his cheeks.

"Oh Louis, I'm so sorry. I would like to apologize for my son. I really don't know why he did that. You care so much about him and it doesn't make sense for him to just hurt you like this and leave without a word" said Anne upset but sad at the same time, rubbing her hand over Louis' back.

"It's okay. He has his reasons. You can't help it. Don't worry. I'm fine" Louis wanted to reassure her.

"Don't say that. You're not fine and that's totally understandable. He can't just do that" she let go of him, putting her hands on his arms and giving him a sympathetic look.

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