Chapter 20

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Ai look at him. He is practically a God :) *_*

I was searching for a song about betrayal of friendship. Most weren't really my thing but this one was okay. I'm really bad at searching for certain song meanings...


For the millionth time, Zayn tried to reach Liam, but he just didn't answer the phone. Restless, he paced up and down his room. When he woke up he had a bad feeling in his stomach as if something terrible was happening and his first thought was Liam and that stupid marine biologist who could be dangerous to them. Not that Lauren and the rest were annoying enough, no, there had to be a big danger in the form of a pretty angel that swept Liam off his feet. He checked his watch and found he had to leave for work in twenty minutes and Liam still didn't answer. The bad feeling became stronger and he worried slowly. One last time, he dialled Liam's number and held the phone to his ear. The familiar ringing sounded and Zayn was already on it to get no answer. But suddenly a click sounded and Liam's voice came through his cell phone.

"Hi Zayn, what's up? Why are you terrorizing me? Did anybody die?" laughed Liam amused.

"You don't joke about that" Zayn blunted.

"It's alright. What's so important?".

That was exactly the problem. What should Zayn answer? That he had a weird feeling and wanted to make sure that he hadn't betrayed them yet? Definitely not. What did Zayn want to know? That was Liam okay? Unfortunately yes. Was he in the lab? Also yes. Whether he had a thing for Dr. T. ? Oh hell no. Did he have the samples with him? Of course yes. That was the most important one.

"Um ... I ... ehhh ...." Zayn stammered helplessly.

"Let me guess, you want to know if I'm in the lab with your samples?" Liam guessed the reason for the call.

"Ehhh yes somehow" confessed Zayn caught.

"The answer is yes. I'm in the lab right now. I use the time she's gone to examine your samples" Liam told him honestly.

"What? Liam, you can't do that. There are a lot of science freaks around you who would do anything for a big discovery" Zayn exclaimed in horror.

"Now don't overdo it and hey, I'm not a freak" Liam joked unimpressed. Zayn heard sounds ringing and recognized the clink of glass on metal.

"Liam, Please don't go there. Please leave. Do it for us" he begged him tearfully.

"I'll do it for you. All of it. I want to help you, just trust me" Liam got angry.

"I don't trust her, however" Zayn avoided the question of Trust.

"But I do. She is a great woman who loves her work. Everything she does she does it with respect for the creature or the plant. She wouldn't do anything forbidden to harm anyone" Liam defended her. This admiration in Liam's voice almost made Zayn surrender. She had really wrapped him around the little finger. If she wanted something from him now, he would give it to her without hesitation. And that was what Zayn was scared of. She only had to blink once with her eyelashes and he would hand them over.

"That's bullshit. If she finds out what you are doing she definitely wants to know everything and .... ".

"You don't know her at all. Stop talking about her that way" Liam cut him off angrily.

"Liam, don't get mad. I don't want to argue with you every time we talk, especially not because of her" Zayn asked him.

"But we don't do anything else any more. We argue over any crap. Just admit that you're envious and you don't begrudge me all that. Neither Lauren nor Dr. T. or ...".

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